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Education Corner


   What is the
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When we speak of the environment, we are often thinking of nature; that is, we are thinking of all things in the universe that were not made by humans.
Nature has two aspects, namely -
  • non-living things governed by the laws of nature, make up what is called the physical environment. For example, air, water, land, soils and minerals.
  • living plants and animals, however large or small, as well as humans (i.e. organisms), make up what is called the biological environment.
Kingston Waterfront

This view of the Kingston waterfront shows the water in Kingston Harbour (physical environment), trees (biological environment), and the pier (social environment - see below).

We can also speak of the social environment (otherwise called the anthropogenic environment) which is made up of human society, its organisations and infrastructure. For example, urban settlements, buildings, roads and sewerage systems.


Black River Morass 
Exposed aerial roots in the wetlands of the Black River Morass.




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