This section examines the aspects of the environment which will be impacted by this project and indicates the type, extent, and magnitude of the impact.  It also indicates whether mitigation is possible and assigns a weighting to the degree of impact.  This is represented by an impact matrix relating the system and the impact, along with a residual impact matrix, which represents conditions after mitigation. The matrices are located in Appendix 5.

6.1       Water Quality

The data provide some indicators that were used to evaluate environmental conditions at specific sites within the marine environment proposed for dredging and port expansion.

Water quality data collected at sites to be dredged, indicated ambient levels of some indicators that exceeded NRCA draft ambient standards, as well as USEPA saltwater quality criteria. This was indicated mainly for two heavy metals, lead and chromium, and biological oxygen demand (BOD). Lead and chromium data appears to be at variance with data collected from a previous study, though some time has elapsed between both determinations. Nevertheless it was considered unlikely that the lead concentration in particular would be so high in the water column.  Further sampling may be necessary to rule out, or establish the level of, sampling and laboratory error. The high nutrient conditions in the harbour identified by previous workers were confirmed, especially for Hunts Bay. Suspended solids were well within the NRCA interim ambient standard for this parameter. Dissolved oxygen levels indicated a well oxygenated surface and sub-surface waters. 

Sediment from areas to be dredged had levels of lead and chromium which far exceeded the NRCA draft effluent standards, and BOD which appeared to be significantly higher than the NRCA Draft stream loading effluent standard. Though the high sulphide levels represent total sulphide, it is expected that a significant portion of this is in the form of toxic hydrogen sulphide. 

Significant increases in suspended solids levels over background levels are expected. The results of leachate and pore water analyses provide some idea of what impact may be associated with marine disposal of the dredged material.

The fact that lead and chromium were much higher in leachate than in pore water suggests that dissolution of compounds of these metals was facilitated by oxygen-rich waters. The leachate and pore water had levels of lead and chromium which suggest that the material to be dredged fits the profile of hazardous waste based on a recent classification system developed by  the USEPA.

The high BOD of the leachate suggests that the material to be dredged would decompose, exerting significant pressure on available oxygen, possibly resulting in an oxygen deficit in receiving waters. 

The high level of sulphide in the sediment suggests that disposal of the dredged material could result in the increase of ambient levels of hydrogen sulphide. This could potentially have a significant, negative effect on any fishery relying on benthic or slow moving species in the vicinity at the time of discharge.  Pelagic species would be unlikely to suffer mortality.

6.2       Ecology

The main impacts associated with dredging and disposal activities relate first of all to direct loss of habitat. Secondary effects are assumed to relate to the formation of sediment plumes which may affect fish or benthos because of the smothering (clogging) effect of highly turbid waters on the gills of bivalves or fish, inability to detect predators or the limiting of the photosynthetic process in corals and plants. Nets placed in very silty areas tend to accumulate fine mud particles on their weave and fish can see the net and avoid it or they slide easily off the net instead of becoming entangled in its mesh.

6.2.1    The Hunts Bay Habitat

Because of the already impacted nature of the south eastern shoreline and immediately adjacent waters and sublittoral area it is not anticipated that any significant impact would occur in this area due to reclamation activities. It is possible however that changing the contour of the shoreline could affect the existing circulation patterns within the bay. This might result in a shift of the hypoxic (or highly polluted) conditions westwards into the main body of the bay with the resulting degradation of the existing fishing grounds used by the fishermen. This would reduce their catch levels even further and be considered a negative, indirect, highly significant, long term impact.

Another scenario is that decreasing the space available in this eastern corner of the bay might decrease the retention time of water in Hunts Bay. This could create a more direct flow of water (with its entrained pollutants) into the main harbour and increase the levels of contaminants affecting the fauna in the seagrass beds, mangroves and water column in andaround the Prot Royal mangroves.  This alternative would be considered a negative, indirect, highly significant and long term impact.  No impact on the avifauna or marine life of Hunts Bay is anticipated from loss of the mangrove trees on the eastern margin. Loss of this small and already impacted stand of vegetation is not considered significant to the ecology of the bay.

6.2.2    Kingston Harbour Fishery

The dredging of the areas H1- H3, (Figure 1) will undoubtedly release quantities of sediments containing high levels of heavy metals such as Lead, and Chromium. But the direction of sediment movement would most probably be out of the harbour, i.e. moving off to the south and being slowly carried off the west in the longshore drift. The effects on fishable resources at the mouth of the harbour would be largely speculative at this juncture. It is possible that spring flood tides may briefly slow and possibly even reverse the flow of sediment and water from the western dredge sites.

Other considerations include the reported comments from fishers in Port Royal that their activities for baitfish (white fry or silversides (Atherinidae), dusky anchovies (Engraulidae) and shrimp (Penaeidae and Sicyonidae = rock shrimps) to be used in hook-and-line fishing, were negatively affected by previous dredging activities.  This suggests that where dredging is widespread or unconstrained and especially where any dumping activities take place inside harbour waters, for example, extending in to the central portion of the harbour, then normal night time land breezes could move sediment plumes into the Port Royal mangrove area.  Bivalve mortality could possibly occur in the short term.

It must be noted that annual visits into these mangroves in the period September through November over the past 20 years (1980 to 2000), strongly suggest that mangrove prop-roots (Rhizophora mangle) bivalve resources are becoming somewhat scarcer and more stressed, probably due to increased solid waste originating from Kingston (Green, 1994). Sediment plumes would likely complicate their status further. Unmitigated dredging in or near the Middle Ground area could cause turbid water to reach the Port Royal mangroves. However, Phase 1 dredging will be slightly to the north and west of Middle Ground. The resulting sediment plume and its turbidity effects should therefore be less than those from earlier dredging work. The plume may thus take a southerly course and quickly exit the harbour.  It should be noted that during the major annual rainfall seasons from October through to November and in May, the increased runoff from the Rio Cobre estuary and from the Sandy Gully, if combined with dredging in the H1 to H4 sectors, could produce conditions of high turbidity in the Port Royal mangroves for variable periods. The residence time of this sediment-rich water may be long enough to cause detrimental effects to biota including fishable resources in the Port Royal mangrove complex.

If marine disposal of the spoil from the Gordon Cay/container port sections H5 to H1 is to occur between the Hope River outfall and Cow Bay, then this heavy metal-polluted material must be placed into very deep water (not less than 1,000 m) and as far south as is feasible in terms of travel time for the barge.  This would avoid the displacement of resident fish species. Cow Bay is known for deepwater fishes such as dolphinfish, kingfish and jacks, and is the site of a very small fishing beach.

The proposed clearing of coral hummocks in the east ship channel just north and NW of Southeast cay is of some interest to fisheries. For the record, it is known that most daytime fishers traditionally avoid this area due to maritime traffic.  Instead, this channel is used by Port Royal hook-and-line fishers as a night-time access route directly to the edge of the south island shelf near to the extreme eastern end of the Eastern Approaches, where the drop-off into deeper water (> 300 m) occurs. This drop-off is a major hook-and-line (drop-line) fishery zone for these fishers for many years. Catches taken in this area during the period 2000 hrs to 0600 hrs include representatives from the snappers (Lutjanidae), jacks (Carangidae), groupers (Serranidae), bigeyes (Priacanthidae), kingfish (Scombridae), grunts (Haemulidae) as well as other families. Trolling (a line with a surface hook trailed far behind the boat) back and forth between Port Royal and the entrance to the Eastern Approaches in daylight hours, sometimes produces modest catches of little tuna, blackfin tuna, barracuda, mackerels, and kingfish in the "winter" season (November/December to March/April).  Clearing of the coral in the Eastern Approaches area by dredging would not adversely affect fishing activities to any significant degree in the short or long term.

Kingston Harbour, Hunts Bay and the adjacent Port Royal mangoves-seagrass complexes provide modest fisheries production. These catches are mainly based on the capture by nets of sprats and herring and other surface-dwelling fish species, as well as shrimp (Hunts Bay only). Fortunately, most of the gill-net fisheries activities in the harbour are located in the centre of the basin. Nocturnal handline fishing at the entrance to the Eastern Approaches supports many of the fishers at Port Royal township. Parts of the Port Royal mangroves with their adjoining seagrass beds are known to act as nursery areas for various types of fishable resources such as white fry, anchovies, certain snappers, spiny lobsters and some shrimp species. However, the majority of these nursery areas lie outside and to the east of the sites identified for dredging activities.  During heavy rainfall, it is likely that some turbidity from dredging could affect the Port Royal mangroves and adjacent seagrass bed resources in the outer harbour.

 6.2.3   Rackham’s Cay

In the proposed plan, Rackham's Cay would be significantly modified by widening the ship channel nearby. This site is confirmed as a minor site for the securing of silversides or white fry, as well as juvenile sprats and herrings, all for hook-and-line bait purposes. If a part of this area was lost, the remaining bait-rich areas would include the other five Port Royal cays. Each of these possess shallow sandy areas over which small baitfish are regularly found. Quite apart from this, the major baitfish area of the Port Royal mangroves would still be available. Thus the partial loss of Rackhams Cay and the short-term sediment problem in the Eastern Approaches, should not be a major problem to fishers, as there are alternative areas. Any "loss" of baitfish areas nearby would represent a minor percentage of the whole. An approximate loss estimate would be less than 10% of the present baitfish areas, leaving 90% virtually intact.

The major problem with losing a part of Rackhams Cay is the effect on the reef, which would suffer a significant loss from the coral, gorgonian, sponge, seagrass and urchin communities. This impact can be mitigated.

6.2.4    Gun Cay

Negligible impacts are anticipated at this site as a direct result of dredging activities at Rackham’s Cay (see Section 8).

6.2.5    Eastern Ship Channel

Negligible impacts are anticipated at this site as a direct result of dredging activities due to the small size of the coral patches/hummocks to be affected. Mitigation similar to that proposed for Rackham’s Cay in Section 8 would be beneficial to the area. 

6.3       Coastal Dynamics

6.3.1    The Fate of Dredged Sediment Placed in Open Water      

The STFATE model output describes the simulated behaviour of the dredged material discharge at the surface, the sediment plume during descent, the dispersion of contaminants, and the sediment accumulation on the seabed.  The model runs were parameterized for the the designated offshore disposal site in 350 m water depth, which is the average depth between the 200 m and 500 m contours at the edge of  the island shelf.   It is assumed that the material is discharged from the trailer barge within 60 seconds and the behaviour of the resultant sediment plume and bottom accumulation is simulated for 1 hour after the material is discharged at the water surface.  (Please note that the SFATE output is in feet, hence the results are presented as such - Appendix 3).

Based on analysis of contaminant concentrations, the conservative tracer for the long-term simulation computations is lead, with the initial concentration of 156.70 mg/l.   The output of the model simulation begins 30 seconds after disposal.  The plume has an initial horizontal radius of 45 feet with its centroid at a water depth of 34 feet.   The downward decent of the plume initially increases to as much as 16 ft/s within 35 seconds after discharge at the surface, then slows to 8 ft/s 60 sec after discharge, when the plume has increased its horizontal radius to 121 feet, and has a centroid at a water depth of 363 feet.  At 95 sec after discharge, the plume is decending at a rate of 5 ft/s with the centroid of water depth at 597 feet water depth, a radius of 176 feet, and a lead concentration of 2.6 mg/l.   The plume completes it convective descent 157 seconds after discharge when the centroid depth is 829 feet water depth, with a downward velocity of 2.7 ft/s, a horizontal radius of 230 feet, and a lead concentration of 1.2 mg/l.  The bottom is not encountered during convective descent and the diffusion of the plume is greater than the dynamic spreading from the collapse. 

The collapse phase of the plume occurs thereafter as the bottom of the larger or heavy sediment begins to encounter the seafloor and the finer sediments lag behind.   Within 200 sec after discharge at the surface, the fall velocity reduces to 0.9 ft/s as the width of the cloud expands to 485 feet, having a lead concentration of 1.0 mg/l.  At 303 sec after discharge at the surface, the cloud has begins a very slight upward movement as it becomes closer to neutral buoyancy.  At this point the centroid of the cloud is 918 feet water depth, having a radius of  612 feet and a lead concentration of  0.96 mg/l.  The centroid of the cloud begins to ascend to shallower depths, at a maximum upward velocity of 0.3 ft/s between water depths of 893 feet to 877 feet.  The cloud reached neutral buoyancy at a centroid depth of 811 feet, 959 sec after discharge.  At this point the cloud has a thickness of 71 feet, a radius of 1185 feet and a lead concentration of 0.56 mg/l.

The tables below show samples of the model results.






































































































6.3.2    Evaluation of Water Quality Acceptability

Whenever contaminant concentrations within the dredged material are above water quality standards, upon disposal there will be a mixing zone in the vicinity of the release point where water quality standards may be exceeded. The size of the mixing zone depends on a number of factors including the contaminant or dredged material concentrations in the receiving water, discharge density and flow rate, water column velocity and turbulence, and the geometry of the disposal vessel.

6.3.3     Pipeline Discharge

Pipeline dredges are often used for open‑water disposal adjacent to channels.  Material from the dredging operation consists of slurry that may contain clay balls, gravel, or coarse aggregate materials.  The coarse material settles quickly to the bottom.  The mixture of dredging water and fine particles results in  a high‑density fluid and can descend to the bottom as a fluid mud layer and spread laterally. Characteristics of the plume are dependent on the discharge rate and configuration, the characteristics of the slurry, the water depth, currents, and the density profile.  In the case of disposal in a semi‑confined basin, the horizontal water velocity may vary with distance from the banks, and simple mixing‑zone equations may not be applicable.  The behaviour of the discharged plume is highly variable based on the discharge rate and orientation (and diffuser mechanism), receiving water basin geometry, vessel speed and direction, the proximity to the bottom, and bottom roughness.

The discharge rate, its proximity to the bottom, the positioning and vessel velocity and direction will all have an impact on the discharged turbidity plumes.  It would be best if the cutterhead dredge can pump closely to the bottom at low velocity to minimize turbidity plumes.

The dispersal of the dumped material at the deepwater disposal site will vary based on the concentration of sand, silt and clay in the actual area being cut.

The suction nature of the dredge will tend to minimize turbidity plumes generated by dredging of silt and sand within the harbour. Also because of the depth of the existing channel relative to the draft of the dredge, prop‑wash generated by the unit is expected to be negligible.

6.3.4   Pipeline discharge impacts ( Eastern Channel)

A zone of turbulence develops as the material exits the discharge point. This zone of turbulence extends the approximate width of the channel basin (580 m) at the northern end.  Settling out occurs quickly, with the percent solids in the centerline of the plume decreasing from 30% at the

point of discharge to abo ut 0.3 % (3 g/L) at the end of the turbulent zone located approximately 100m south of the point of discharge.  This would be an area of high turbidity at the surface due to the fine‑sized constituents of the effluent.  At approximately 120 m away from the discharge point, the plume is interpreted to have descended to the bottom, forming a dense fluid layer that begins underflow spreading with a plume thickness (height) of approximately 6 cm.  As the bottom spreading of the dense plume continues, some entrainment of the underflow into the overlying ambient flow occurs, which increases the underflow volume and decreases viscosity, and thus increases spreading along the bottom. At approximately 400 m distance from the initial discharge, the underflow plume makes contact with the east bank.  At a distance of about 500 m away from the initial discharge, the underflow plume has a thickness of about 23 cm with a 0.09 percent concentration of solids.

The results of this model run seem reasonable when compared to the published literature.  Measurements from a dredging operation very similar to this one reported (Lyashenko,et.al. 1987) concentrations at the surface of 5 g/L at a distance of 25 m away from the point of discharge.   In that case the effluent discharge occurred right at the water surface.  The solids concentration diminished to 0.045 g/L 410 m away from the point of discharge.

6.3.5  Cutter Suction Dredge for use at Rackam’s Cay and Extreme Outer Sections of the Channel:

It is proposed to use a cutter with a discharge pipe of 750 mm diameter and a discharge velocity of 5.5 m/s.  Maximum density of the mixture is assumed to be 1.4 t/cu.m.  The mixture would be discharged through a diffuser at the sea floor and the diffuser would be hung from a pontoon which could be moved in a controlled fashion. The diffuser would be like a bell mouth, with a bottom plate and would discharge the dredged mixture at low velocity in all directions horizontally. The discharge location proposed is in the relatively deep water just to the south west of Rackhams Cay at 17° 55.5¢  North, 76°  and 50.6¢ West.  This is a location on the edge of the deep water "pocket between West Middle Shoal and Rackham's Cay.

6.3.6    Reclamation of Hunt’s Bay

Hunts Bay is an almost fully enclosed basin, open to the sea only by the gap beneath the Causeway, and a few other canals. All the freshwater input must therefore leave through these channels, and this interacts with rising and falling tides to produce the strongest currents situated in the vicinity of these channels.

Reclamation of this area will not impact the overall stability of the bay. The proposed area for reclamation lies in perhaps what is normally the quietest area of Hunts Bay as far as water movement is concerned. However during periods of heavy rainfall these currents will be replaced by strong fresh-water runoff currents produced by input from the large gullies.

Proper stabilization measures of the newly reclaimed area must therefore be implemented to prevent erosion during periods of high storm-water runoff.  The same is true regarding the location of the site for land-based disposal of the fines (if this option is selected).  Care must be taken in designing the storm water run-off for the proposed area, as a number of drains enter the sea in this area.

6.4       Socioeconomic Impacts

The perceived socioeconomic impacts were those related to the two major proposed activities of actual dredging works and the disposal of spoil as summarized in the SIA Impacts Matrix.

6.4.1    Dredging Works Impacts

The perceived impacts from the proposed dredging works were both positive and negative. Positive impacts included economic/employment opportunities related activities while the perceived negative impacts included impacts related to fishing and the livelihood of the affected fishermen. Economic/Employment Impacts

Economic impacts included employment opportunities created during dredging activities. While direct figures were not available for this development, the PAJ has estimated, based on similar engineering projects, that labour costs related to dredging works would be in the order of about 10% of the total project and would provide some 200 new jobs for the duration of the activities. Of that, some 75% would be casual labour and 25% skilled and semiskilled jobs including carpenters, masons, steelworkers and electricians. Based on the finding of the Maritime Institute of Jamaica, 4 indirect jobs will be created to every direct job created, some additional 800 jobs, an estimated total of 1,000 new jobs.

While the designs for the reclamation works were not yet finalized, preliminary estimates from the PAJ were approximately US$93,000/acre for the formation and sustainability of lands prior to the proposed development and US$180,000/acre for pavement design. Once the design was finalized, then further employment opportunities could be calculated, both for the short and long term.

The projected impact of the proposed project on economic/employment opportunities is positive, direct and very significant, over the short and long term.  National Development

The resource base of the Kingston Harbour had been utilized and developed by many competing user groups, each with their own particular objectives and agenda, and resultant high levels of pollution and piecemeal planning and development. In 1976, the harbour was described as one of the most intensively used recreational facilities in Jamaica. Among the activities then associated with it were swimming, skiing, boating, line fishing, snorkeling and sunbathing. Some of those activities had since disappeared and, except for boating and limited beach use, the harbour no longer served as a prime recreational location. An estimated potential recreational use value for beach use was J$8.9 million. [1] Similarly, the loss of bio-diversity in the harbour may be considerable, but no suitable quantitative data existed on which an adequate economic analysis could be undertaken. This was unfortunate since it could well be that loss of bio-diversity by itself (separate from its impact on economic production, e.g., fishing, shrimping, crabbing) could prove, over time, to be the single greatest economic loss resulting from pollution. Informal vending on the beaches of Kingston Harbour as well as at other choice locations alone justified the implementation of a rehabilitation program, given the present and potential values of the harbour.

Oil refining, cement production, electricity generation, flour milling, chemical manufacturing, fish processing, food production and garment manufacturing, estimated value of US$775.35 million, were only some of the industrial activities which depended to some extent on their proximity to Kingston Harbour for the services they require. Kingston Harbour had also been used as an educational and research centre (marine biology) since 1895. With the UWI’s marine laboratory at Port Royal and the Jamaica Maritime Training Institute at Buccaneer Beach now operating full time, at an estimated combined annual value of US$350,000. [2]

The strategic location of Kingston Harbour, coupled with its unique physiographic features, makes it one of the finest natural harbours in the world and a major contributor to the island’s economy.  During 1995, earnings from shipping and related activities in the harbour amounted to approximately US$40 million however, the potential for greater earnings obviously exists and the Government of Jamaica is therefore promoting further development of the Port of Kingston in order to benefit from it. However, pollution of the harbour was a major constraint which should be mitigated by instituting antipollution measures, likely to cost from US$2.0 to 3.0 million. [3]

At the time of this study, the criterion for measuring efficiency of container handling was the number of box moves per hour. The existing level of container handling was 20 box moves per hour. With the implementation of the proposed development, it was estimated that the level of efficiency of container handling would increase by 50% to 30 box moves per hour. Similarly, it was estimated that the storage capacity for containers, which was 8,600 ground slots, would increase by more than 250% to 21,700 ground slots.

Table 9:          Total Container throughput for the period 1996 to 2005












Total Container Throughput

Regional Container Throughput

Kingston Container Throughput

Kingston Share (%)
































Regional Container Throughput

Kingston Container Throughput

Kingston Share (%)































Source: Port Authority of Jamaica, 2000


            According to Ocean Shipping Consultants, Caribbean and Latin American economies had grown by an aggregate of 37.4% during the period 1984-1996. Regional container port throughput was approximately 9.6m TEU’s of which transhipment accounted for 1.19m TEU’s, refer to the table above. It was however estimated that the total regional container port throughput would increase to 18.0m TEU’s by 2005, of which Kingston would capture a larger regional share of 7.94%, up from 5.77 % in 1998. Similarly, regional container throughput was estimated to increase to 3.75m TEU’s, of which Kingston’s share was estimated at 1.26 m TEU’s, up from 0.54m TEU’s in 1998. While that gave the impression of a twofold increase in volume, it does not mean that Kingston would command a larger share of the regional demand. In fact, that would merely allow Kingston to maintain its 33-34% of the regional transhipment share. [4]

A Technical Rehabilitative Plan had already been developed by the Kingston Harbour Rehabilitation Steering Committee and presented to the Government (CEL and LAL, 1998). The Plan included areas relating to the construction and operation of an advanced integrated sewage treatment system at Soapberry, St. Catherine, as well as other solutions to the problems of  industrial waste waters, solid wastes, the harbour sediments (pollutant sinks), ship generated wastes and watershed management (for run-off control). Such actions were to be supported by other inputs of socioeconomic and legal/institutional nature. [5]                                     

Given the tremendous increase in shipping activities within the Caribbean and Latin American Region over past 5 years and also within the Port of Kingston, and the increasing size and capacity (length and beam) of mother ships and feeder vessels, the proposed project would be considered critical in allowing competition with other Regional Ports such as Panama Canal, Freeport Bahamas, Florida, Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico (many of which have already invested and increased their capacities). Panama Canal (port) and Port of Kingston are considered the two strategically located ports that would be able to provide service to ships that travel the “equatorial spin,” however, this is dependent on the investment and development made through this proposed project and in the future.

The dredging project would therefore be very significant, direct and indirect positive benefit in the overall national development goal of Jamaica and also as part of the total strategic development of the Port of Kingston in order to maintain its competitiveness within the region as a premier transshipment port.       Fishing Impacts

No major disruption of fisheries activities or damage to resources would result from dredging, as none of any significance existed at the time of field investigation of sectors H3 through H5. Dredging in sectors H1 and H2, however, were of possible concerns, especially in areas  considered to be close enough to the dredge areas, southeast of the approaches to Gordon Cay and to Hunts Bay. The migration routes of red snapper and maccaback which were allegedly disturbed by earlier dredging was not documented and served to reflect the still incomplete state of knowledge of the fishable resources of the area. The fishers which may be most affected by the effects on fish migration routes would appear to be those from the Greenwich Town fishing beach.

The effects of the dredging of the areas (H1-H3) on fishable resources at the mouth of the Harbour would be largely speculative at this time. The reported comments from fishers in Port Royal that their activities for baitfish (used in hook-and-line fishing) were negatively affected by previous dredging was addressed in Section 6.2.3 of this EIA. The proposed clearing of coral hummocks just north and NW of Southeast Cay was of interest as the area was used by Port Royal hook-and-line fishers as a night-time access route directly to the edge of the south island shelf near to the extreme eastern end of the eastern approaches, where the drop-off into deeper water (> 300 m) occurs (a major hook-and-line fishery zone).

Nonetheless, should significant negative impacts result from the proposed project, then efforts should be made at discussing, mitigating and providing reasonable compensation and/or alternative assistance to the fishing communities, especially those directly affected. Even without any negative impacts, government, private sector and the PAJ would be urged to work in partnership to assist in community development.   Marine Policing/Security and Customs

The development of the shipping capacity of the Kingston Harbour would ultimately require  increased/improved marine policing/security (including drug enforcement capabilities) and customs associated with increased transshipment and container cargoes. Discussion with Captain Delisser, Harbour Master, indicated that the Harbour Master Department was in the process of upgrading and moderization and would adequately cater for the increased demand due to the expansion of the port. Similar discussion with the Marine Police and Customs also indicated that the proposed expansion of the port was being taken into consideration with respective plans for upgrading. Hence, there should be no negative potential impacts. Positive impacts would be direct and long term - related to the upgraded facilities, potential creation of a few new jobs and improved efficiency and services.    Cultural/Historical Properties                       

The dredging of the ship channel wold not affect the “sunken city” nor would it compromise the ability of explorations or tours as the dredging would be confined to the existing channel. The potential for plumes of sediment to negatively impact on any sunken treasures would be negligible. (Refer to Table 6).

[1] Strategic EIA - Port Royal Royal Heritage Tourism Project, 2000, p 66

[2] ibid.

[3] Ibid.

[4] Port Authority of Jamaica, 2000

[5] Barry Wade (1998) has criticized the plan as being unnecessarily slow and not achievable in less than 25 years. On the other hand, he has proposed a speeded-up plan to be achieved in 15 years.