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All documents are stored in Adobe® Acrobat PDF format (unless specified otherwise). You will need the Acrobat Reader (version 4.0 or later), to view and print any of these files. 
Drafting Instructions for Sewage Sludge (181 KB)
Final Consultation Notes (101 KB)
  Drafting Instructions for Sewage Sludge ~ Ms Word file (204 KB)
Final Consultation Notes ~ Ms Word file (43 KB)
The Natural Resources Conservation (Bule and John Crow Mountains National Park) (User Fees) Regulations, 2003 ~ Part 1(525 KB) / Part 2(618 KB)

The Natural Resources Conservation ( Wastewater and Sludge)
Regulations, 2006
~  (170 KB) 

The Natural Resources Conservation ( Wastewater and Sludge)
Regulations, 2005
~  (171 KB) 
Drafting Instructions for Trade Effluent Discharges and Industrial Sludge (317KB)
The Natural Resources Conservation Air Ambient Guideline Document
Technical Support Document for the Regulatory Impact  Analysis for Air Quality Regulations
The Natural Resources Conservation (Air Quality) Regulations, (2006)
Air Quality Regulations (June 2002) (264KB)
The Natural Resources (Hazardous Waste) (Control of Transboundary Movement) Regulations, 2002 ~ Part one (1.86MB) | Part two (1.78MB)
The documents below are stored in Hypertext format (HTML).
  Drafting Instructions for Air Quality Regulations (2001)




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