Appendices for Jamaica Broilers Ethanol Plant

Appendix I - Letters from NEPA

Appendix II -  Terms of Reference

Appendix III  - Engineer's Drawing

Appendix IV - Wastewater Treatment Facility

Appendix V - Drainage

Appendix VI - EIA Professional Team

Appendix VII - Soil Investigation Report

Appendix VIII - WRA Report

Appendix IX - Calibration Certificate

Appendix X - Interview Instruments

Appendix XI - JNHT Letter

Appendix XII - Public Notice #1 and Newspaper Article

Appendix XIII - Physical Baseline Data

Appendix XIV - Biological Baseline Data

Appendix XV Letter to CCAM

Appendix XVI - Heritage Assessment Report

Appendix XVII - Access Road Species Report

Appendix XVIII - Risk Assessment

National Environment & Planning Agency
10 and 11 Caledonia Avenue
Kingston 5
Tel: 754-7540
Fax: 754-7595/6