Core Functions

The seven (7) core functions of NEPA are:

Policy and Program Development

Development of national environment and planning policies, legislation/regulations standards, and programmes.

Conservation and Protection

Management of fauna and flora, habitats, and ecosystems; protected areas management – watershed, coastal and marine management; wild fauna and flora protection.

Environmental Management

Pollution prevention and control; pollution monitoring and assessment; investigating and reporting on pollution incidents.

Spatial Planning

Development of a strategic framework for orderly and progressive development of rural and urban areas, as well as for Cays and Accretions within the territorial waters, the preparation of development orders and development plans.

Application Management

Application receipt and processing; recommendation for approval or non-approval of licences and permits for Planning, Subdivisions, Beaches, Environmental, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), Hazardous waste export, import, or transportation; extending exemptions under the Wild Life Protection Act; provision of pre-application assistance.

Public Education and Outreach

Corporate communications; documentation management; information/library services; Access to Information (ATI) management; public awareness and outreach initiatives; facilitating public consultations; developing and maintaining partnerships with stakeholders - community groups, NGOs and private companies in support of environmental and planning requirement and education.

Compliance and Enforcement

Monitoring of compliance with planning and environmental requirements; responding to complaints; investigating incidents of non-compliance; undertaking enforcement actions and legal proceedings.