October 12, 2015
Sustained efforts by the Alligator Pond Police with assistance from the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) have led to the apprehension of one of the suspects caught on video slaughtering a Hawksbill Turtle in Alligator Pond, Manchester, four weeks ago.
The accused, Leroy McDonald, otherwise called 'Nesey' was charged and appeared before Resident Magistrate, Dale Staple in the Mandeville Resident Magistrate's Court on Wednesday, October 7.
Mr. McDonald is charged with hunting and possession of a protected animal contrary to Sections 6 and 6A of the Wild Life Protection Act. McDonald was also charged with unlawful wounding in an unrelated matter.
He was granted bail in the sum of $300,000 and is required to report to the Alligator Pond Police Station every Monday and Friday between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. A curfew was imposed between 7:00p.m.to 6:00a.m daily.
He is also required to avoid turtle nesting sites and must not hunt or be in possession of any turtle or turtle egg. He is to return to court on 2 December, 2015. If convicted, McDonald is liable to a fine of up to $100,000 or 12 months imprisonment on each count.
The Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochleys Imbricate) is a listed protected animal under the Wild Life Protection Act. It is a criminal offence to hunt, kill or have any part of the turtle in one's possession. It is also an offence to take, attempt to take, sell or have in one's possession for sale any turtle eggs.
Investigations are continuing with respect to the other parties involved in the killing. Persons are encouraged to contact NEPA at 754-7540 or Toll Free at 1-888 -991 -5005 or the police at 119 to report any such illegal activity or if they have any information that will assist NEPA and the police in their investigations.