NEWS Release



MARCH 12, 1999

The National Ozone Unit of the Natural Resources Conservation Authority (NRCA) will launch a Mobile Air Conditioning (MAC) project aimed at reducing vehicular emission of ozone unfriendly gases on Tuesday, March 16, 1999 at the Medallion Hall Hotel in Kingston. Following the launch the project which is funded by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) gets off the ground with a two-day workshop from March 17-18,1999 at the Jamaica Maritime Training Institute, Palisadoes Park. The purpose of the workshop is to train local mobile air conditioning service technicians in methods of recovery and recycling of ozone unfriendly gases.

There are still some mobile air conditioning units that use gases called chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s) in their cooling systems, for example, in passenger vehicles and refrigeration units used to transport frozen and perishable foods. Chlorofluorocarbons are among the list of refrigerants and other chemicals considered harmful to the ozone layer. Jamaica, being signatory to the Montreal Protocol, is required to freeze import levels of these CFCs at the average of 96 metric tons (1995-97 levels) as of July, 1999 and to eventually phase out imports by the year 2006. In addition to reducing import levels of these substances, the NRCA is also seeking to educate companies on how to reduce venting of these gases by training them in methods of "recovering" the substances for later use instead of releasing them into the atmosphere.

Mr. Desmond James, Manager at the Jamaica German Automotive school will serve as the local technical support provider for the project and will monitor its activities for three months following the launch.

Twenty companies identified as the major mobile air conditioning service shops throughout Jamaica have been targeted for the workshop. Mr. Lloyd Peterson, a retired auto mechanics teacher from the United States will conduct the training sessions. Mr. Peterson is a certified Master Mechanic and was State Safety Inspector of Indiana for 16 years. Mr. Dave Sampson from Skye, the US Company supplying the equipment and Mr. Allan Marshall, of Marshall’s Automotive in Jamaica will also assist with the training. Marshall’s Automotive has been selected to be the warranty service provider for the project.

Mr. Gary McNeil of USEPA and Ms. Toni Nelson of ICF, Kaiser, Consultant to USEPA and Project Coordinator will also be participating in the workshop.

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