NEWS Release

Biodiversity Workshop – March 30

March 29, 1999

The third in a series of workshops aimed at developing a National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan Development (NBSAP) will be held on Tuesday, March 30, 1999 at the Rural Agricultural Development Authority’s (RADA) office in Clarendon starting at 8:30 a.m.

The workshop which targets interests in the fisheries and marine sector will provide an opportunity for personnel within the sector to be sensitized on the major aspects of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CDB). In addition the workshop seeks to identify priorities, major threats and obstacles to biodiversity conservation within the sector. It will also examine conflicts between the sector, the environment and sustainable use and suggests strategies for biodiversity conservation.

Recommendations for the development and strengthening of policies for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity is expected to be a major output of the workshop.

Participants will include representatives from the private and public sectors, non-governmental organizations, academic and research institutions.

The first and second workshops held earlier this year targeted interests in the agricultural and mining and energy sectors respectively.

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