NEWS Release


SEPTEMBER 23, 1999

The 1999 Bird Shooting Season officially closed on Sunday, September 26.  Hunters are being advised that the Wild Life Protection Act (Close and Shooting Seasons Order 1999) strictly prohibits the hunting of birds during the Closed Season.  

Hunters are also being reminded that Hunters Game Bird Shooting Report Forms must be completed and returned by hand or registered mail to the Wildlife Unit, NRCA by December 31, 1999.  Failure to return Report Forms by the specified date will attract a late processing fee of either Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) or Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) based on the periods January 1 to March 31 and April 1 to May 31 respectively.  All persons who were issued with Hunter’s Licences are required to submit Report Forms whether or not they were engaged in hunting and are also reminded to ensure that they receive a receipt .    Hunters who do not submit their Report Forms by May 31 will be denied a Hunter’s Licence for the year 2000 Bird Shooting Season. 

The Report Forms are to be completed with information specifying types and numbers of birds shot; weather conditions; location of shooting area and vegetative cover.  This information is necessary in evaluating the Season’s activities.

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