NEWS Release


, 1999

The Natural Resources Conservation Authority (NRCA) has received reports of a Fish and Shrimp Kill on the tributaries of the Wag Water River in the Brandon Hill – Mt. Prospect – Mt. Airy area of St Andrew.  Unconfirmed reports suggest that a chemical substance (possibly a pesticide associated with the Coffee Berry Borer program) may have been applied to one of the upper tributaries of the Wag Water River for the purpose of killing fish.  The matter has been reported to and is being investigated by the Stony Hill Police.

The NRCA and its Environmental Warden Service are also investigating this pollution incident and are collaborating with the National Water Commission as parts of the Wag Water system contribute water to the Hermitage Dam.

Members of the public are urged to cooperate with the investigating team as the use of poisonous substances including pesticides for fishing is illegal and is a danger to consumers.  Farmers and residents of the area use water from this stretch of river for domestic and agricultural purposes and the introduction of chemicals for fishing may compromise these activities.

Members of the public are also being urged to exercise caution in purchasing fresh and cooked, river fish and crayfish in this area.  It would be prudent for consumers and purchasers of these items to avoid them unless they are confident that chemicals were not used in their harvesting.

The NRCA has noted that reports of the use of chemicals to catch fish in the rivers of Eastern Jamaica are being received on a regular basis and often involve young persons who have access to pesticides.  Parents and Community leaders are being urged to secure agricultural chemicals and to monitor students particularly during holiday periods.

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