NEWS Release


April 19, 2000

The thirtieth anniversary of Earth Day will be commemorated worldwide on Saturday, April 22, 2000. Citizens and non-governmental organisations in the United States first observed Earth Day in 1970 under the theme, "Think Globally – Act Locally". An estimated twenty-five (25) million people joined clean up crews and listened to speeches in honour of Planet Earth. Since then Earth Day has become a date marked by vigorous environmental action at the local level in several countries around the world.

A number of activities have been organised by environmental non-governmental organisations, schools and community groups to mark the Day in Jamaica. The activities got underway on Tuesday, April 18, with an Earth Day Forum held at the USIS Office of Public Affairs Auditorium, 1st Floor, Mutual Life Building, Oxford Road. The Natural History Society (NHS) convened an Earth Day Seminar on Wednesday, April 19 at the Mutual Life Auditorium while an Earth Day Youth Forum organised by the National Environmental Education Committee (NEEC) took place at the Tropical Learning Centre, Hope Zoo.

On Saturday, April 22, several activities are scheduled to take place. An Earth Day Community Clean-Up organised by the Portland Environmental Protection Association (PEPA) will take place in the Berrydale and Swift River communities in Portland starting at 8:00 a.m. The Jamaica Conservation Development Trust (JCDT) will present "Earth Day Bashment" at the Comfort Castle Junior High School, Portland starting at 12 noon.

The Montego Bay Marine Park Trust (MBMPT) has scheduled two activities in St. James. Both activities, a Reef Clean-Up at the Doctor’s Cave Bathing Beach in Montego Bay and an Earth Day Tree Planting Project in the Retirement community of St. James will commence at 8:00 a.m.

The Negril Coral Reef Protection Society (NCRPS) has planned an Underwater Clean-Up in the vicinity of the Negril Community Centre, starting at 9:00 a.m. The Negril Chamber of Commerce will undertake a Garbage Clean Up along the Whitehall Road, Negril, Westmoreland.

The Norman Manley Sea Park in St. James will be the site for the Negril Environment Protection Trust’s Earth Day Clean-Up and Beautification Project. The Sanitation Support Unit will undertake a Gully Cleaning in the Canterburry and Albion communities of St. James.

The St. Thomas Environmental Protection Agency (STEPA) has planned a Tour of the Historical and Ecological Sites of Importance in Font Hill, St. Thomas.

Earth Day is intended to focus citizens’ attention on the natural environment and remind them of their obligation to protect and preserve the Earth. The Natural Resources Conservation Authority (NRCA) is urging community groups, neighbourhood watch groups, schools, service clubs, professional organisations, youth clubs, consumer groups and individuals to get involved in activities and special projects in support of Earth Day 2000.

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