NEWS Release

MAY 18, 2000


First leg of Fibre Optic Cable Run Licence Application Approved


The Natural Resources Conservation Authority (NRCA) has approved an application by Cable and Wireless Jamaica Ltd. to lay 180 km of fibre optic cable on the Floor of the Sea and Foreshore of Jamaica’s South Coast and to make landfall in Old Harbour, (St. Catherine), and Black River (St. Elizabeth).

The application relates to the second phase of an exercise to link Jamaica to the International Fibre Optic Cable System and to complete a Fibre Optic Cable ‘Ring’ around the island. The first (Northern and East Coasts) part of the installation was previously approved by the NRCA in 1996. The installation of that system which involved the laying of Fibre Optic Cable from Montego Bay to Kingston with landfall at Montego Bay, Ocho Rios, Port Antonio and Kingston was completed in the same year. The 1996 exercise was carried out by the applicants in compliance with the conditions of the licence granted except for the laying of part of the cable across a section of reef located North of the Donald Sangster Airport in the Montego Bay Marine Park.

The decision of the NRCA with regard to the current cable run, off the South and West Coast is based on a review of the Environmental Impact Assessment carried out by the proponents at the request of the NRCA. The assessment concentrated on the sections of the cable run in waters less than 40 metres in depth. The NRCA’s experience with previous applications, involving modifications and encroachments on the floor of the sea and foreshore, have indicated that the type of exercise under consideration requires careful implementation but has not been associated with severe threats or damage to the marine environment. It should be noted that cable laying in Jamaican waters has been ongoing for over one hundred (100) years and there is no record of significant negative impacts on the marine environment.

The EIA review process incorporated major stakeholders from the landfall locations particularly entities to whom marine protected area management responsibilities has been or may soon be delegated and also drew on the experience of the NRCA and these stakeholders in monitoring operations of a similar nature.

The licence stipulates several terms and conditions. As a general condition, the licence prohibits the discharge of oil waste, trade or sewage effluent, poisonous, noxious or polluting substances into the prescribed coastal area. One specific requirement of the licence is that the beach and foreshore in the landfall area be returned to its original profile after installation of the cable. It also requires that a Monitoring Plan be submitted to the Authority.

The licensee is required to focus on minimizing impacts, including physical damage to reef organisms and sea grass beds, ensuring that where such impact occur, restoration at the licensee’s expense is undertaken to the satisfaction of the NRCA.

It also makes allowance for the licensee to accommodate representatives from the NRCA, Fisheries Division (Ministry of Agriculture), and local Non-governmental Organization or a member of a Fishermen’s Co-operative to observe the cable laying exercise. Local shipping, fishing and boating interests are to be notified of the schedule of operations by the licensee.

Applications for similar licences relating to the cable run off the West and North Coasts and to the landfall sites at Negril (Westmoreland / Hanover) and Montego Bay (St. James) are under review. It is anticipated that further presentations from the proponents with respect to these areas as well as proposals for remedial work related to the cable inadvertently placed on the reef off Montego Bay in the earlier exercise will be made to the NRCA in the near future.

For More Information Contact:

Natural Resources Conservation Authority
10 Caledonia Avenue, Kingston 5
Tel: 754-7546-52
FAX: 754-7595-6