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Dateline: July 10, 2002

Case Against Bird Hunters Rescheduled for November 15

The case against seven bird hunters involving breaches committed during the 2001 Birdshooting Season, which was scheduled for hearing in the Port Antonio Resident Magistrate Court yesterday (July 9) has been rescheduled for hearing on November 15.  The seven hunters, who are facing various charges, including hunting protected birds, hunting without a permit and refusal to leave feathers on one wing, appeared for the fourth time in Court yesterday to answer the charges.  When the case was called up around 11:00 a.m. the presiding judge asked that it be set back for the afternoon period. The attorney representing the hunters requested that another date be considered and this was granted.

The hunters were prosecuted on September 8, 2001 when enforcement personnel from the National Environment & Planning Agency (NEPA) seized 76 Ring-tailed pigeons and a Black-billed Parrott from the hunters in the Parksmount area of Portland.  Both species are protected under the Wild Life Protection Act, under which their hunting is prohibited.  Persons guilty of this offence can pay a maximum fine of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) or serve up to twelve months in prison.





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