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Dateline:  July 11, 2002


The National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) is reminding the public that the main nesting period for sea turtles occurs from July to October each year.  During this period, NEPA is asking the public - particularly fishermen, tourist and marine interests - to make a special effort to protect the remaining population of Jamaican Sea Turtles.

All sea turtles are protected under Jamaica’s Wild Life Protection Act. IT IS AN OFFENCE TO HAVE SEA TURTLES IN ONE’S POSSESSION, WHETHER WHOLE OR PART, DEAD OR ALIVE.  This includes adult turtles; hatchlings, shells, meat, eggs and all other turtle derived products (e.g. turtle shell craft items or jewellery). Persons found in possession of turtles or any of these items can be fined up to JA$100,000 or imprisoned for up to one year.

Members of the public are urged to avoid activities which disturb nesting females, their nests, eggs or hatchlings. The public is also being requested to report all sightings of sea turtles (on land, at nesting beaches or at sea), their nest locations, eggs and hatchlings and any incidents of poaching of adults or their eggs.

Persons who wish to report sightings may contact the National Environment and Planning Agency Hot Line (1-888-991-5005).  Offences should be reported promptly to the nearest police station, the Environmental Warden Service, (928-0082), the Environmental Non-government Organisation in the area or the NEPA Hot Line.

Individuals or groups who are interested in participating in Turtle Watch activities or learning more about Sea Turtle Conservation in Jamaica may contact Ms Andrea Donaldson ( or Ms Josette Lahee ( of the Biodiversity Branch of NEPA.

Additional information on Sea Turtle Conservation in Jamaica can be obtained from the NEPA web site at




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