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NEWS FEATURE                                              February 3, 2003

For immediate release

NEPA and Cross Roads Neighbours Take Corporate Social Responsibility

. Initiate Installation of Pedestrian Crossing on Caledonia Avenue

The National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA), has taken the lead role in the
installation of a pedestrian crossing on Caledonia Avenue, Kingston 5. The pedestrian
crossing was painted on Sunday, January 26, 2003 by a team from the National Works
Agency (NWA). It is located in between the Nuttall Medical Centre and Hospital and NEPA's
offices at 11 Caledonia Avenue, Kingston 5.

Community Animator with NEPA, Onyije Chigozili said that, “the pedestrian crossing has
been a long time in coming.” The move to get the pedestrian crossing up and running,” she
said, “began in 2001.” At that time NEPA was making an effort to get the NWA to install the pedestrian crossing. “Our Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Franklin McDonald suggested that
we include more persons and companies in the process and so NEPA enlisted the support of
other business interests along Caledonia and Tom Redcam Avenues through a petition. Over
five hundred signatures were collected.”

Chigozili noted, however, that, “there were some unfortunate incidents in between that time
and the receipt of the approval for the pedestrian crossing. Last year a child was hit by a
pick-up truck in front the NHDC’s offices and shortly after that a woman was also struck by
another vehicle in front of NEPA’s office at 10 Caledonia Avenue."

On December 10, 2002 the NWA's CEO Ivan Anderson disclosed in a letter to NEPA that the request for the installation of the pedestrian crossing had been approved. Onyije said that, “we
were jubilant!” She pointed out that, “while getting the pedestrian crossing installed may seem
like an ‘extra-curricular’ activity, in that it does not relate to our immediate work, it was
nonetheless very important! Ms. Chigozili is confident that it was in large measure due to the
pro-active approach of the Agency and its neighbours which actually prevented more serious accidents from being committed. In her view, “this is an example of a community ‘getting
involved’ and collaborating to nip problems in the bud.”

The NWA indicated that it will gazette the pedestrian crossing soon and will return shortly to
erect beacon balls. Beacon balls are yellow and black poles which are placed on the sidewalk indicating the location of a pedestrian crossing. Members of the public are being encouraged
to use the pedestrian crossing to limit the possibility of accidents.

Work in progress on the pedestrian crossing installed by National Works Agency (NWA) between 10 - 11 Caledonia Avenue, Kingston 5, in the vicinity of the Nuttall Medical Centre and Hospital.

National Works Agency (NWA) workers take a break after installing pedestrian crossing in the vicinity of the
Nuttall Medical Centre and offices of the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA), at
10 & 11 Caledonia Avenue, Kingston 5.

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