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Press Release                                                                        Dateline: March 18, 2003

For immediate Release

Man fined $30,000 for Illegal Sand Mining

Horace Knight of a Sea View Gardens address in Kingston was fined thirty-thousand Dollars ($30,000) for possession of illegally quarried sand when he appeared in the St. Catherine Resident Magistrate (RM) Court on March 12.

Following the seizure of a truck in the Lakes Pen Area of St. Catherine in February this year, Knight was arrested by Environmental Wardens of NEPA’s Environmental Warden Service and the Island Special Constabulary Force (ISCF) for breaches committed under the Quarries Control Act.

The Act provides for the seizure and forfeiture of any vehicle, equipment or material used in any illegal operation.  In addition to the fine imposed by the Court, Knight also had to pay Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000) for wrecker fee.




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