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NEWS RELEASE       may 15, 2003

For immediate release

NEPA Plans Labour Day Beach Clean Up and Staff Fun Day.
.Environmental agency leads by example

A Beach Clean Up and Family Fun Day have been organized by the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA), to mark the celebration of Labour Day 2003. Under the theme: " Playing Your Part.Give Our Children the Right Start. ", members of staff of NEPA and fishermen will begin cleaning the Silver Sands Beach in Trelawny at 10:30a.m. The Silver Sands Beach was recently renamed in honour of deceased civil servant Jacob Taylor. The day will end with a series of games and other recreational activities.

The clean up forms part of NEPA's thrust to divest the beach in a move to make it available to the public. The clean up represents the first part of the divestment process which will be completed later this year. NEPA is currently taking steps to ensure that the Jacob Taylor Beach will meet both the fishing and bathing needs of patrons.

Jacob Taylor, through his work, dedicated his life to making beaches available to regular Jamaicans. He joined the Civil Service in 1937, as a Temporary Clerk of Courts and then went on to become a Director of the Coastal Zone Branch (formerly the Recreation and Conservation Division) of the now defunct Natural Resources Conservation Division (NRCD), from 1975 - 1989. The NRCD preceded the Natural Resources Conservation Authority (NRCA), which today forms part of NEPA. Jacob Taylor died on August 11, 1995 .

Meanwhile, the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ) will stage a two-week exhibition entitled " Energy Conservation and the Environment ", as part of its " Incentive Public Education Programme" . Schools from the corporate area are being targeted to participate in the interactive display which will run from May 19-22 and June 2-6, 2003 , respectively, at PCJ. The exhibition will focus on teaching students some salient environmental and energy conservation facts and will start at 9:30a.m. daily.

The Jamaica Wastewater Operators Association (JWOA), will host a clean up of the Western Treatment Plant in Tivoli Gardens , on Labour Day. Work plans include fixing the access bridge to the community, painting settling tanks, refurbishing light poles, replacing window panes and general cleaning of the site. All members of the JWOA and other important stakeholders have been invited to participate in the clean-up, including members of the Tivoli Gardens community.

The JWOA is a professional organisation of operators striving to improve wastewater procedures through discussions, training and public education. The JWOA was formed in August, 2001.




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