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Jamaica Secures Funding for Extension of Montreal Protocol Project…
… Multi-Lateral Fund Secretariat Praises Country’s Success Record

Jamaica is right on target for achieving the goals of eliminating the use of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS’s) and reducing its consumption of Chloroflouro-Carbons (CFC’s).

The National Ozone Unit of the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) recently secured a further US$57,200.00 shot-in-the-arm to ensure the continuation of this effort.

The money which was granted by the Multi-Lateral Fund For the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol Secretariat was renewed, as result of Jamaica’s improved compliance record.

According to the Secretariat, Jamaica has reported 2002 data to the Ozone Secretariat that is lower than its 1995-1997 CFC compliance baseline. It noted that, the country has complied with and has been able to sustain the CFC consumption freeze. Jamaica, it said, has taken some significant steps to phase out its consumption of ODS in the period covered by the institutional strengthening project.

Training workshops in good practices in refrigeration (chillers and MAC), drafting of legislation for enactment by Parliament and conducting public awareness activities throughout the country were highlighted as some of the major accomplishments.

This was disclosed in a recent letter addressed to NEPA, from Chief Officer Omar E. El-Arini.

He noted that the Executive Committee appreciates Jamaica’s efforts to reduce the consumption of CFC’s and expressed expectation that, in two years, Jamaica will take steps to ratify the remaining amendments of the Montreal Protocol to which it is not yet party. These include; the Montreal and Beijing Amendments.

Mr. Arini also commended the continued implementation of the terminal phase out management plan. He said that, Jamaica is expected to continue its success rates in these areas and to sustain and build upon its current levels of the reductions in CFC’s and other ODS’s.
The Montreal Protocol is an agreement between the countries of the world to phase out the use of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) in their air conditioning and refrigeration industries.

Under the extension, the NOU, which oversees the management of the Montreal Protocol in Jamaica, will continue its Terminal Phase-Out Plan (TPMP) for CFC’s, implemented earlier this year and the institutional strengthening programme begun in 1997.

The NOU expects Jamaica to be fully ozone compliant by 2006.




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