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October 13, 2003

For immediate release

NEPA/ MLE Donates Food to Best Care Foundation.

.in Observation of World Food Day, 2003

In an effort to arrest hunger and feed the less fortunate in Jamaica, members of staff of the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA), and the Ministry of Land and Environment (MLE), made several donations of food items today to the Best Care Foundation, in Cross Roads.

The Food Drive , which was initiated by employees of MLE and NEPA in observation of World Food Day, was celebrated under the localized theme " Healthy Eating For a Healthy Tomorrow ". It marked the culmination of activities to promote community focused projects by the two agencies. Presentations will be made to the Jamaica Red Cross at a later date.

Alice Gordon, Child Care Administrator of the Best Care Foundation, in commenting on the gifts, said that she was very thankful for the support her organization received, as it is a constant challenge to operate the home.

She also indicated that, "it would go a far way in assisting the home's feeding programme."

Ms Gordon commended NEPA and the MLE as, "good corporate citizens."

Hopeton Heron, Director of Corporate Services, of NEPA said that, "both NEPA and the MLE were delighted to participate in the project and were conscious of the need to take this on as our corporate social responsibility. We are collaborating to ensure that this objective is met. This is a very good example of civil society working together to contribute to our children in need."

The Best Care foundation is a children's home which houses forty-two mentally and physically retarded children.

World Food Day is observed globally, on October 16 each year.

This year the international community is focused on partnerships to end world hunger.




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