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NEWS RELEASE                                               july 24, 2003

For immediate release

Minister Signs Regulations to Implement User Fees in Protected Areas…

.Financial upkeep of national and marine parks

Protected areas across Jamaica received a major boost in achieving their sustainability, recently, when the Minister of Land and Environment, the Hon. Dean Peart signed new user fee Regulations which will affect use of these areas. The Regulations were gazetted a day later.

The Natural Resources Conservation (Marine Park) (Amendment) Regulations 2003, the Natural Resources Conservation (Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park) (User Fees) Regulations 2003, and the Natural Resources (National Parks) (Amendment) Regulations 2003 were signed by the Minister of Land and Environment on June 16, 2003.

The Regulations which address the implementation of user fees in marine parks and the Blue and John Crow Mountains’ National Park in Jamaica are expected to tackle the issue of funding based on past usage patterns.

The Policy for Jamaica's System of Protected Areas identifies "achieving and maintaining financial sustainability for the protected areas system" as one of the primary goals for the system. It proposes that revenue for the protected area system be generated from a variety of sources. The policy also states that the "national system of protected areas will be sustained by the Government of Jamaica (GOJ), the Jamaica National Parks Trust Fund, local trust funds established for local protected areas, special fundraising campaigns, user fees and concession licenses, and…other mechanisms". The user fee system is a mechanism to charge for services provided which are of benefit to specific users and a means of helping to defray a portion of the cost of these services.

The new regulations establish different costs for national and marine parks. Jamaicans will be required to pay less than foreigners who use the park.

While fees for use of the Blue and John Crow Mountains' National Parks took effect on June 16, 2003, similar charges for the Ocho Rios, Negril and Montego Bay Marine Parks will not apply until an Appointed Day Notice has been issued. Dates for the implementation of user fees across all marine parks will be staggered and enforced according to a schedule as determined by priority, by the Ministry of Land and Environment (MLE). Fee structures will vary according to types and duration of usage.

Monies collected from user fees will serve to hire staff, sponsor scientific research and ensure maintenance, upkeep and restoration of the parks. Hikers to the Blue Mountain peak and visitors to Hollywell as well as divers, snorklers and recreational boat users and water-sports operators will be directly affected by the user fees.

Users of the parks are required to make all payments to the delegated authorities. The Jamaica Conservation Development Trust (JCDT) has been empowered to act as the delegated authority for the Blue and John-Crow Mountains National Parks. While, the Negril Coral Reef Preservation Society (NCRPS) is delegated to manage the Negril Marine Park.




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