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PRESS RELEASE - September 1, 2004

Bird Shooter Arrested and Charged…

…Youth caught hunting without a hunter’s licence

The police made their first arrest for the 2004 Bird Shooting Season, on Saturday August 28, in Grange Hill, Portland when a thirteen year old boy was caught shooting birds by a monitoring team without a hunter’s licence and a firearms licence.

On Saturday afternoon, a monitoring team comprising police personnel and a representative from the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA), heard shots coming from a westerly direction in the vicinity of Grange Hill, Portland. Investigations led to the discovery of the minor shooting birds. Upon seeing the police, he ran but was cautioned not to move. A Berretta shot gun licenced number AL 391 Urika-20 GA, with thirteen rounds of ammunition was found in his possession. Ten Bald-pates, which he had shot earlier, were confiscated by the monitoring team.

The boy, whose name has been withheld, and his father Daryl Vaz, a licenced bird shooter, were taken into custody by the police. They were arrested and charged for illegal possession of a firearm and ammunition and shooting without a hunter’s permit and were offered bail in the sum of $150,000.00 each. The two appeared in the St. Mary Resident Magistrate court, yesterday Tuesday, August 31.

Daryl Vaz was given the maximum penalty under the law and was fined $100,000.00 for aiding and abetting hunting without a hunter’s licence. His son was fined $50,000.00 for hunting without a hunter’s licence.

The 2004 Bird Shooting Season started on August 21 and runs until September 26, 2004. NEPA is reminding hunters that the prescribed times for hunting are Saturdays, sunrise to 9:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. to sunset and Sundays, sunrise to 9:00 a.m. During this period, only the four birds specified maybe shot and at all times hunters must ensure that they stay within the prescribed bag limits. Only the following birds may be shot: the Pea Dove (Zenaida aurita), the White-winged Dove (Zenaida asiatica), Bald-pate (Columba Leucocephala) and Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura).

Hunters are being reminded that the bag limit remains at a total of twenty (20) birds at each shoot, except for the Bald-pate of which no more than fifteen (15) may be taken in any shoot. Overshooting is an offence under the Wild Life Protection Act.

Hunting birds without a permit is a breach of the Wild Life Protection Act and carries a maximum penalty of $100,000 and or twelve months in prison. The Act also prohibits the use of a trap to catch, or the use of a sling-shot to shoot birds. While in the field, each hunter MUST have in his or her possession, his/her gun licence and a valid Bird Hunter’s Permit issued by NEPA. Minors cannot obtain a hunter’s licence.





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