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PRESS RELEASE - May 13, 2004

NEPA Donates Four Hundred CDs to Jamaica Library Service

The Jamaica Library Service’s (JLS) electronic information resources were boosted, recently, with a donation of four hundred compact discs (CDs) from the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA). The CDs which contained various types of information on the environment were handed over to the Director General of the JLS, Patricia Roberts by NEPA’s Senior Librarian Yolanda Mittoo. Ms Mittoo was deputizing for NEPA’s CEO, Patricia A. Sinclair McCalla.

The CD’s are a compilation of NEPA’s 2003 Judicial Symposia series; a report on the Environmental Action (ENACT) Programme’s achievements in Local Sustainable Development Planning up to 2003; the White Water to Blue Water Partnership Conference and various NEPA publications.

In receiving the donation, Mrs. Roberts indicated that: “the gift was evidence of the good working relationship between the JLS and NEPA.” She further said that, “the JLS plans to install computers in its mobile libraries which would add variety to the information available to its members island-wide.” The CD’s form part of NEPA’s ongoing information sharing and public education outreach efforts.

NEPA is currently reviewing plans to make available additional information to the JLS, in the future. Under the Legal Deposit Act, a copy of all publications must be deposited in the National Library of Jamaica (NLJ).

The presentation was made in the reception foyer of the JLS’s Headquarters. Banners stating the event and the name of the donor agency were set against a backdrop of bright bold brass lettering which spelled Jamaica Library Service, on the wall. The ceremony was witnessed by members of staff of both agencies.




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