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PRESS RELEASE - April 21, 2004

Jamaica Reviews Progress in Achieving International Environmental Targets…

…Environment Minister Hopeful

Jamaica is reviewing its progress in meeting internationally agreed environmental targets. This was highlighted in the annual Earth Day message by the Minister of Land and Environment, the Hon. Dean Peart. He implored Jamaicans “to make concern about the environment second nature, not just on Earth Day, April 22.”

According to the Land and Environment Minister, water and watershed management issues were high on Jamaica’s agenda and were areas in which the country had experienced successes. Minister Peart noted that Jamaica is achieving some of its objectives through technical assistance partnerships in these areas. The training of sewage treatment facility workers to maintain and manage treatment plants and fostering the establishment of wastewater advisory committees were also highlighted.

The Minister further indicated that work was also being undertaken in coastal water quality improvement and increasing the collection and testing of water for public consumption. Capacity building at the local and national levels was another iniative currently being carried out.

Minister Peart lauded efforts to promote environmental stewardship in the public sector noting the development of local sustainable development plans involving local communities in environmental education and increased awareness in the private sector.

Earth Day is celebrated annually across the globe on April 22 and is said to mark the beginning of the Spring Equinox, according to some accounts. It began in the US in 1970 when an estimated twenty-five million people around the world joined in the celebration. Introduced under the theme: “Think Globally, Act Locally”, the celebrations have spread to become a major environmental event marked by vigorous action by several countries. Earth Day focuses citizens’ attention on the natural environment and reminds them of their obligation to protect and preserve the Earth.




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