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PRESS RELEASE - January 18 , 2005

Dunn's River Watershed Area Communities Discuss Sustainable Development Plans...
...Hills United Development Organization ready to move!

The National Environment & Planning Agency (NEPA) recently met with the Management Committee of the Hills United Development Organization (HUDO) along with representatives of the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA); the Forestry Department; Social Development Commission (SDC); Jamaica Bauxite Mining Ltd.; Friends of the Sea (FOTS) and Local Initiative for Urban Environment (LIFE) to finalize HUDO's action plans and project ideas for the Dunn's River Watershed.

The world-famous Dunn's River Falls, one of Jamaica's most popular attractions, is neighbour to the communities of Parry Town, Snow Hill and Pimento Walk from which HUDO membership comes. It is often not realized that activities upstream can affect the quality of the water downstream. With this in mind the three communities recently formed the community based organization HUDO with the aim of ensuring the sustainable use of the Bogue property (part of the Dunn's River Watershed) as a national watershed, while promoting alternative livelihood activities for community members.

Over the past 4 years Friends of the Sea, a non-governmental organization based in Ocho Rios, has been working with these communities with the aim of protecting our water resources. This latest initiative is a continuation of its work, spearheading major reforestation of the Bogue property. Youths have been trained as Junior Forest Wardens and others have been selected as Community Animators for a public environmental awareness programme. NEPA applauds and supports community efforts of this nature and its Community Animator Onyije Chigozili will assist with training the local animators. The proposed projects discussed by HUDO and its partner agencies include craft training and enterprise; bee keeping, organic farming; a nature trail with bird-watching and the upgrading and regulating of Irie Beach. The activities have a skills training component and will be implemented over the next two years.




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