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PRESS RELEASE - March 10 , 2005

CIDA/ GOJ to extend ENACT Project

The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) has approved the sum of Canadian $800,000 for the extension of the Environment Action (ENACT) Programme, a joint project of the Jamaican and Canadian Governments. ENACT was set up in 1994 to strengthen the ability of the Jamaican Government, private sector and other stakeholders to identify and address environmental problems in a sustainable manner.

Minister of Land and Environment the Honourable Dean Peart and Canadian High Commissioner Claudio Valle will, on Wednesday February 15, 2005 sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that will facilitate the extension of the project to March 2007. The ENACT Programme, is managed by the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA), an executive agency with responsibility for managing and protecting the national environment. The signing will take place at the Ministry of Land and Environment, at 16a Half-Way Tree Road, in Kingston.

The goal of the extension phase, to be known as the `ENACT Extension Project,' is to institutionalise initiatives of the 1994-2004 phase of ENACT. This extension will include continued capacity building at the individual and institutional levels in government ministries and agencies, educational institutions and private sector organisations and businesses, thereby moving towards the goal of achieving sustainable development in Jamaica.

The ENACT Extension Project will focus on the Greening of Government and the'Private Sector; Environmental Education for Sustainable Development; Sustainable Development Planning at the national and local levels and the modernisation of critical systems and procedures within NEPA.

The project will be managed by the Director of Strategic Planning in NEPA, and its activities will be carried out by project staff and consultants. Strategic guidance and monitoring will be provided by a Steering Committee chaired by the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Land and Environment (MLE), comprising representatives from Government, non-government and private sector organisations.






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