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PRESS RELEASE - March 10 , 2005

Hunter's Bird Shooting Report Form Are Now Due

The National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) would like to remind all hunters who DID NOT return their Bird Shooting Report Forms by December 31, 2004 that a late penalty of $5,000 now applies.

 Forms returned to NEPA after March 31, 2005, will attract a late processing fee. Under the Wild Life Protection (Hunters’ Returns) Regulation 2004 any holder of a Hunters’ Licence who refuses to submit the Hunters’ Report Form by the end of the shooting season in any year, shall not be granted a Hunters’ Licence for the next Bird Shooting Season.

Completed forms must be returned to the: Biodiversity Branch, The National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA), 10 Caledonia Avenue, Kingston 5. Please remember to ensure that you retain your receipts and registration slips on submission of the forms.

N.B. Please note that NEPA’s offices will be closed for the Easter Holidays on Thursday March 25, 2005 at 2:pm and will reopen on Tuesday March 29 at 8:30 am, during this period, the register should be signed.






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