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PRESS RELEASE - June 01 , 2005

June 1-7 is National Environmental Awareness Week 2005

June 1 – 7 is being observed in Jamaica this year as National Environmental Awareness Week (NEAW). The week-long observation coincides with two major international environmental celebrations; World Environment Day (WED), which is being celebrated on Sunday, June 5 and World Ocean’s Day on Wednesday, June 8.

In an effort to mark the week, the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) along with some private sector companies and other environmental non-governmental organizations (ENGOs) have organized several activities. This year’s theme for WED is “Green Cities: Plan for the Planet”.

For the first time this year, NEPA in association with the Palace Amusement Company Limited and Digicel will host an Environmental Film Festival, on Wednesday, June 1. Three films will be shown during the festival which starts at 9:00 a.m. in Palace Amusement cinemas in Kingston, Portmore, Montego Bay, Mandeville and Cove Cinema in St. Ann Featured presentations include: Day After Tomorrow; Ice Age or Shark’s Tale.

Renowned drummer Desi Jones and the Worl’ of Drums quartet and Stefan Penincilin, winner of the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission’s 2003 and 2004 Popular Song Contests, will be the headline entertainers at the free WED Concert, on Thursday, June 2. Scheduled for the Emancipation Park, the two-hour event starts at 6:00 p.m. Other winners of other JCDC’s 2005 Festival of the Performing Arts competitions, schools in Kingston and staff of NEPA will also perform.

NEPA will mount weeklong exhibitions in Port Royal, the site of Jamaica’s second Wetland of International Importance, as well as in Negril and Montego Bay, starting on Friday. In Port Royal, a concert and a live radio outside broadcast will be held at the Port Royal Junior High School.

The Ministry of Land and Environment (MLE) will also mount an exhibition under the theme “Green Cities: Plan for the Planet” in its lobby at its Half Way Tree Road offices, starting on Friday.

The Jamaica Environment Trust (JET) is promoting its Jamaica Carpool Day. Under the theme: “Cities on the Move”. JET is encouraging all Jamaicans to show their support for greener cities by carpooling to work on Friday, June 3.          

A Press Conference will also be held on Friday, at the Regional Coordinating Unit of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); at its Port Royal Street offices. The conference will focus on the Caribbean Environment Programme (CEP) and UNEP’s work in the Caribbean.                                                                                                  

On Saturday, the National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA) will conduct a beautification exercise along the Michael Manley Boulevard, in Kingston. Residents in the area are invited support this initiative.

The NSWMA will also mount a weeklong exhibition, starting on Saturday, at the Reading Room of the Kingston and St. Andrew Parish Library on the “History of Solid Waste Management in Jamaica.”

The Alliance Française de la Jamaique will mount a display and show a documentary with English subtitles on biodiversity at its Lilford Avenue headquarters, on Saturday, June 4. 

On World Environment Day (WED), Sunday, June 5, the WED Church Service will be held at the Grace Missionary Church in Kingston. The Minister’s message will also be read on Saturday and Sunday in churches island-wide. 

The NSWMA will launch its United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)/ Global Environment Programme Small Grants Programme at the Knutsford Court Hotel, on Monday. 

The Used Lead Acid Battery (ULAB) Project will also be launched on Monday at the Tom Redcam Library, in Kingston at 4:00 p.m. 

The Manchester Parish Council and the Parish Development Committee (PDC) will launch a weeklong exhibition, including presentations from key personnel, on Planning and Environment Issues in Manchester. Proposals for the Sustainable Development of Manchester will also be reviewed. Activities get underway on Tuesday, June 7.




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