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PRESS RELEASE - June 22 , 2005

Pear Tree Bottom Development

The National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) wishes to make the following statement with respect to applications for a hotel development at Pear Tree Bottom.

 The Hoteles Pinero Jamaica (HOJAPI) Limited submitted an application to NEPA for the development of a hotel at Pear Tree Bottom. In addition to this application, a further request was made to do preliminary site clearance to obtain critical site information. After careful review of this request, the Group was given authorization to do preliminary land clearing in a defined area at the site (with stipulated conditions).  This excluded foundation work. It must be noted that whereas sections of the area had been cleared by the previous owner, permission was granted for clearance of the footprint for phase one of this development. 

In considering the request to clear the site and in addition to information contained in the Environmental Impact Assessment report, HOJAPI was asked for a botanical assessment report.  This was submitted but was found lacking and they were asked for a more comprehensive report. This was received and accepted by NEPA before they were given the authorization.   A copy of the Environmental Impact Assessment may be found on our website at:

Among the conditions stipulated by NEPA prior to the authorization for clearance were the following: 

          - All ecologically important flora within the area should be categorized as endemic, endangered or rare

          - At least 50% of Red Birch, Burnwood, Maiden Plum and Black Lancewood seedlings should be collected. These seedlings should be replanted elsewhere, for example on the southern section of the property

         - At least 95% of all Orchids, Bromeliads and Cacti found in the footprint of the development should be collected and transferred to the southern section of the property and/ or a plant nursery

       - The names of all species identified in the Botanical Assessment Report should be indicated. The Report had highlighted the presence of three (3) Bromeliads and two (2) Orchid species, but only two (2) Bromeliads and one (1) Orchid had been named.  

The revised botanical assessment of the area conducted by the developers was reviewed by NEPA and it met the conditions laid down. 

Our local enforcement warden assigned to the parish of St. Ann and several officers from the Applications Processing Branch visited the site on May 11, May 30, June 2, June 6 and June 8. As a result of these visits, NEPA is satisfied that the conditions for clearing were met by the developers with the exception that on May 30 it was noticed that marl was spread on a part of the property to facilitate the erection of temporary buildings. This was ordered stopped by NEPA and the activity was confirmed to have ceased on June 2.

HOJAPI Limited has also applied for planning approval for the resort development at Pear Tree Bottom, St. Ann. 

The area is zoned for resort developments and the proposed development is within the density or number of habitable rooms per acre requirement.




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