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PRESS RELEASE - August 22, 2005

2005 Bird Shooting Season starts August 27

The Minister of Land and Environment Dean Peart last Friday (August 19) announced a shortened Bird Shooting Season for 2005.  The annual season will run from August 27 until September 25, 2005, five weekends instead of the traditional six and one week later than usual. This shortened and delayed season is due to a later than usual nesting season which has been attributed to the ravages of Hurricane Ivan, recent droughts and bush fires.

Although there is evidence that the environment has recovered from the damage, the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) has recommended a shortened and delayed season as a precautionary measure. The Agency is therefore reminding hunters that breaches of the Wild Life Protection Act will not be tolerated and that hunting is allowed only on Weekends: Saturdays, sunrise to 9:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. to sunset, and on Sunday mornings from sunrise to 9:00 a.m. 

Hunters are being advised that the bag limit remains at a total of 20 birds at each shoot, except for the Baldpate of which no more than 15 may be taken in any one shoot. Overshooting is an offence under the Wild Life Protection Act. It is also illegal to trap, or use a sling - shot to shoot birds without a permit under the Act.  

During this period, only the following four birds may be shot:  the Pea Dove (Zenaida aurita), the White-winged Dove (Zenaida asiatica), Bald-pate (Columba Leucocephala) and Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura). 

While in the field, each hunter must also ensure that he or she has in his or her possession, a shot-gun licence and a valid Bird Hunter’s Permit issued through NEPA. Hunters are also being reminded that shooting is prohibited in the Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park, inside or within 50 metres of a game reserve and no less than 40 metres from population centres.



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