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  PRESS RELEASE - August 17,  2005

                                              NEPA  pleads: no illegal hunting

The National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) has received reports that illegal bird shooting is taking place in parts of Portland, and in the Hartlands area of St. Catherine.  The Agency would like to advise the public that the hunting season HAS NOT BEEN DECLARED. It is therefore ILLEGAL TO SHOOT BIRDS AT THIS TIME and without a Hunter’s Licence from NEPA. This WILL NOT BE SOLD until a season has been declared. 

It is illegal to shoot birds outside the hunting season, which usually starts in August. Hunting birds outside the season is a breach of the Wild Life Protection Act and carries a maximum penalty of $100,000 and or 12 months in prison. 

Teams from NEPA and the Island Special Constabulary Force (ISCF) are currently monitoring traditional shooting areas.  Enforcement Coordinator at NEPA Theodore Rhone says officers will be “cracking down on offenders and a zero tolerance approach will be adopted”. 

“We will be enforcing the Wild Life Protection Act and the Hunters Licences Regulation regarding the seizure and forfeiture of all conveyances involved in the commission of an offence and we will arrest on sight anyone we see hunting outside the season. Their firearms will be seized and if they are caught with birds in their vehicles, those will also be seized”, Mr. Rhone said. 

The public is being advised that all illegal shooting should be reported to NEPA on 754 7540 extn: 2224, 2412 or 2408; or to the Police. Please note that the public will be informed via the media when the 2005 bird-shooting season is declared.  



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