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PRESS RELEASE - December 23, 2005

NEPA/NRCA provides financial support to Negril and Montego Bay Marine Parks

The National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA)/Natural Resources Conservation Authority (NRCA) presented cheques on Monday, December 19, to the Negril Coral Reef Preservation Society (NCRPS) and the Montego Bay Marine Park Trust (MBMPT) valuing $1.56 million and $1.085 million respectively. The funds are to be used to manage the Negril and Montego Bay Marine Parks. The cheque for NCRPS was presented to Ms Jean Brown, President and represents 25% of the amount collected for beach licence fees between 2000 and 2005, while Mr. Brian Zane, Executive Director of MBMPT received the first of three installments totaling $3,255,084.66 committed as part of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Natural Resources Conservation Authority and the Montego Bay Marine Park Trust.    

In presenting the cheques, Chairman of the NRCA Board, Mr. James Rawle thanked Ms Brown and Mr. Zane for the work that both the Society and Trust were doing on behalf of the NRCA. He further stated that there should be greater collaboration among the three entities. An elated Ms Brown extended sincere thanks to NEPA and the NRCA Board for the contribution.  Her sentiments were echoed by Mr. Zane who described the MOU and its outcome as a “seminal achievement” and committed the Marine Park’s continued support to the work of NEPA in the field. 

The Montego Bay Marine Park is one of Jamaica’s nine (9) protected areas designated under the Natural Resources Conservation Authority Act. The substantive work of the Negril Coral Reef Preservation Society within the Negril Environmental Protection Area is commendable.  

The National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) is the Government Regulatory Agency with powers to manage and protect Jamaica’s natural resources and to ensure orderly and sustainable physical development within Jamaica and its territorial waters.



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