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Integrated Planning
Environment Division


The formulation of an effective and efficient spatial strategy and development standards to foster sustainable settlement development, optimise the use of arable lands and promote a balance between the competing demands for the use of land.

  1. To prepare Development Plans and Orders in consultation with civil society.
  2. To assist in the preparation of the National Environment and Planning Strategy.
  3. To prepare the National Physical Plan.
  4. To assess development, subdivision and change of use applications, restrictive covenants and enquiries on a timely basis.
  5. To prepare policies and standards to guide and encourage development activities at the appropriate time with respect to interalia, location, form and appearance.
  6. To bring all arable lands under optimum production.
  7. To develop and maintain a land use database
  • Review and update Settlement Strategy
  • Preparation of Development plans :
    - national
    - regional
    - urban levels
  • Preparation of Development Orders
  • Development of standards and policies
  • National Environment and Planning Strategy (NEPS)
  • Land use planning (existing and proposed)
  • Assisting the planning authorities (KSAC, Parish Councils &TCPA) in assessing sub-divisions and development applications
  • Ensure the utilization of arable lands for agricultural purposes





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