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Why a National Sustainable Development Plan

n       To provide clear and flexible policies, strategies and programmes for guiding the nation’s development.

n       To inform especially the private sector as to the areas and locations of public sectors financial emphasis.

n       To ensure that sustainable development principles are taken into consideration from an economic, environmental and social aspect (development dimensions assessed).

n       Provide the framework for the preparation of LSDP, Action Plans, Special Area Plans etc

n      Ensuring that development proposals conform to the framework stipulated within the NSDP, LSDP, Action Plans etc.

n      Integrate development & capital infrastructure investment decisions to a spatial context.


The need for revising the National Physical Plan

n       The process by which the plan was prepared, and the contents therein are outdated and cannot promote and sustain development.

n       The need for new policies and strategies to ensure that growth and development along with social equality are created .

n       NPP has being criticized for lack of enough economic input towards the planning process.

n        Unforeseen economic & social pressures often undermines the rationalised zoning of land use patterns  >>> illegal & non-conforming activities.

n        Upsurge in crime & violence is affecting the security of the population and the growth of the economy. Can planners, developers be blamed? >>> “Designing Out Crime”

n        Special attention is required to link the manufacturing industry (industrial policy) towards a spatial structure and the provision of incentive measures for promoting and sustaining the economic viability of the industries particularly in the global environment.


The Proposed Format of the Plan

n       The format for the National Physical Plan will comprise of Written Statements and Existing and Proposal Maps of the country on the different sector topics.

n       Written Statements – policies & strategies

      3 sections – 1. introduction, need for revising the plan and relationship with other plans 2. Visions, objectives and the way forward 3. policy & proposal sections on the diff.research papers.

n       Maps – depicting spatial location of the policies & proposals.


Strategy for Revising the National Physical Plan

n       Integrated and comprehensive planning approach rather than a sectoral approach


The Preparation Process

1. Town & Country Planning Authority- This Authority has legislative duties under the Town and Country Planning Act of 1958 for planning and development. Although the Authority will not be involved at the operational level, but based on Jamaica’s planning law, the National Sustainable Development Plan need to be presented to the Authority in terms of the approach to be adopted for its revision, the topics to be assessed, and the proposed policies and strategies generated.

2. Steering Committee  - comprising of representative from the PDC, Local Authority, private sector and public sector stakeholders (e.g. Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Ministry of Transport & Works, Jamaica Tourist Board etc.) and professional bodies (e.g. Land Surveyors Association etc.).

3. Public Participation  - The process of preparing Development Plans has been criticised for not providing sufficient opportunities for engaging the public participatory process

4. Consultation - It is anticipated that approx. 40% of the components of the National Sustainable Development Plan will be sub-contracted.

5. Informing NEPA’s General Staff  -  It is proposed that the contents of the different studies will be presented to NEPA staff members.


Key Principles for the Plan

n       Flexibility – policies & strategies need to adopt to the dynamic nature of planning & changes in peoples demand.

n       Partnership- all stakeholders are required to participate in the way land is utilized, to assist in developing policies and strategies & to work towards common visions.

n       Sustainability – natural resources are limited sustainable principles need to be incorporated within the Plan.

n       Inclusion – everyone need to participate, regardless of sex, income class or age


The Vision for Jamaica through NSDP

n        where all residents will have a place to call home;

n        within which economic growth and prosperity are facilitated and maintained in a sustainable manner free from the elements of crime and violence, and each individual has the opportunity of fulfilling their employment needs;

n        where individual parishes and communities can thrive;

n        where all residents have access to a wide range of services and   facilities and take pleasure in the attraction of Jamaica’s resources.

n        which has a high quality environment, which is safe and secure, protected from pollution and where the physical resources are sustained and not compromised;

n        where access to goods and services is provided in a manner which minimizes the need to travel and the impact of transport on the environment.


The objectives of the NSDP

n        Assist in the development& distribution of education, health, social and community needs.

n        Protect and enhance the local character of urban and rural communities and the identity of towns and district centers.

n        To strengthen inter-sectoral coordination of the country’s overall development within a spatial framework in order to provide the private sector with a clear vision of the location of government investment decisions & commitments over the next 20 years.

n        To spatially interpret national economic planning and implementation currently driving all major developments, i.e. assessing development patterns

n        To protect the character of the coast and the countryside.

n        To encourage high quality designs reflecting proper layout and landscaping, density, safety and security.

n        To protect the character of the coast and the countryside.

n        Support the provision of appropriate and affordable housing solutions.

n        To encourage a balance and diverse economy and assist all sectors of the economy to adapt to changes in the market place, whether locally or globally.

n        Support the development of appropriate tourism products and recreational activities and facilities.

n        Encourage sustainable utilization of existing buildings and natural resources.

n        Promote the regeneration and enhancement of the built environment and the re-use of buildings and lands, required for development within the existing built-up areas, thereby reducing or preventing urban sprawl.

n        Manage the use of natural resources to avoid depletion and irreversible damage.

n        Protect and promote biodiversity and maintain and enhance the island ecosystem.


 End Results of the Plan


Ø         Spatial Strategy – determining the spatial location of developmental activities.

  Ø        Economic Strategy – addressing the approach to promoting and facilitating development opportunities for employment, agricultural production, mining, information technology and tourism.


Ø        Social/Community Strategy – determine the location and type of social and recreational facilities required to satisfy the socio-cultural demands of the people, such as health facilities, education, housing, shopping, community development & cohesiveness, recreational activities etc.

  Ø        Environmental Strategy – discussing the approach to protecting and enhancing the natural resources (the environment).


Components of the NSDP

  • The Manufacturing Industry  

  • Commerce & Retailing New

  • Natural Hazards & Disaster Management New

  • Implementation, Monitoring, Governance & Institutional Arrangements New

  • Integrated Coastal Development New

  • Environmental Management & Protection

  • Development Patterns New

  • Macroeconomics New

  • Tourism & Recreation

  • Social Services & Community Development

  • Housing

  • Designing out Crime New


n       Total of 16 Research Papers

n       5 Research Papers (Kirk & Beatrice)

n       Remainder  (11 research papers) – Enact Consultant, other NEPA Branches.

n       1 Land Settlement site

n       The remaining branch activities cannot be accomplished.

n       Present budget of 5 million is totally ridiculous, which is less than a third of the proposed sum.

Summary of the Presentation

n       There is a need to revise the National Physical Plan

n       The new plan will be the NSDP – incorporating all the different dimensions to development.

n       An integrated & comprehensive approach of the different sectors will be adopted rather than a sectoral approach.

n       The key principles of FISP must be considered during the plan preparation process.



n      The approach

n      The Contents

n      Members of the Steering Committee

n      Chairperson for the Steering Committee

n      What about the implementation & management process.

n      Financing of the Project




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