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Any member of the Natural Resources Conservation Authority or any officer of the said Authority authorized in writing by the Authority in that behalf may during the continuance of this Licence make such periodical inspections of and investigations concerning the area in respect of which this Licence as may be necessary for the purpose of ascertaining whether the terms and conditions of this Licence are being observed or not. 

This Licence may be renewed annually by forwarding the appropriate fee to the offices of the Natural resources Conservation Authority. 

The fees set out in the Third Schedule hereto shall not be altered without the previous written consent of the Natural Resources Conservation Authority. 

The premises hereby licensed shall remain open to the public daily during the term of this Licence. 

The Licence or its agent shall give the public adequate notice and shall previously obtain the consent of the natural Resources Conservation Authority if for any reason wishes to close the beach to the public temporarily.. 

The Licence or its agents shall keep the area prescribed in this Licence and structures thereon in a clean and sanitary condition. 

The Licence or it agents shall not remove or permit the removal of sand from the area prescribed in this Licence except by permission of the Natural Resources Conservation Authority previously obtained in writing. 

The Licence or its agents shall not permit the discharge of waste or sullage water or effluent waste into the sea unless the same is first treated in a manner satisfactory to the Natural Resources Conservation Authority and to the Medical Officer of Health. 

The Licence or its agents shall provide proper facilities for changing and adequate sanitary conveniences. 

The Licence or its agents shall provide the following safety facilities; a minimum of four lifeguards, certified by the Natural Resources Conservation Authority, at least three on duty at all time, a first aid kit, a surf board for assisting with rescue, a first aid station, three life rings, fours whistles for use by the lifeguards and three lifeguard stands. 

The Licensee or its agents shall provide such basic first aid equipment as may be directed or approved by the Authority. 

The licensee or its agents shall not deny any person admission to or eject any person from the area prescribed in this Licence provided such person is properly attired and behaves in an orderly manner and is not a nuisance to other patrons. 

The Licence or its agents shall take every precaution to ensure that no water skiing, trawling or towing by boat or spear-fishing takes place within the area for which this Licence is granted and shall mark the seawards limits of the said area by buoys. 

The Licence or its agent shall erect signs at vantagepoints warning non-swimmers not to proceed beyond a depth of the demarcated area. 

The Licence or its agents shall ensure that all safety measures and procedures are enforced during the swimming hours. 

The Licence or its agents shall issue tickets bearing the name of the beach, Number, price of admission and the date of issue to patrons. 

The Natural Resources Conservation Authority may in its sole discretion revoke or suspend this Licence for breach of any of the above conditions. 

The Natural Resources Conservation Authority reserves the right to alter, amend or introduce new conditions during the periods of this Licence. 

The Licence shall exhibit at a vantage point a copy of the Beach Control (Hotel, Commercial and Public Recreational Beaches0 Regulations, 1978. 

The Licence shall observe and comply with the Beach Control Authority (Safety Measures) Regulations, 1956 and the Beach Control (Hotel Commercial and Public Recreational Beaches), Regulations, 1978. 

This Licence is granted subject to any existing legal rights of third parties. 

No sign or notice may be erected or placed upon or in the area covered by this Licence unless the Natural Resources Conservation Authority thereof has previously approved the size, wording and location in writing. 

No sign or notice may be erected or placed upon or in the area covered by this Licence unless the size, wording and location thereof have previously been approved in writing by the Natural Resources Conservation Authority.





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