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The Government is committed to the position that the foreshore is a part of the heritage of the people of Jamaica and cannot be alienated. 

It is recognised that the implementation of the new policies will require fundamental changes and additional demands on human and financial resources. Implementation of the new policy for beaches will have to be on a phased basis and the aim is to achieve this over a period of five years. 

In several areas, work has already been started to put the policies into effect. There is for example, a programme for the development of public beaches has been prepared and will be implemented on a phased basis by the NRCA and other Government agencies. Implementation of these new policies will have implications in a number of areas. 

Operators of hotel beaches will be required to adjust to the new policy requiring separation of hotel and beach operations and the necessity to make provision for use by local residents as well as visitors. Discussions between the NRCA and the tourist industry will commence at an early date. 

At all levels of beach operation there will be financial implications particularly at the parish beach level. Government through the NRCA will set up procedures through which funds generated by leasing beaches for commercial operation can be used to assist in the development and management of parish beaches. 

In order to ensure the smooth operation of public beaches, staff will be needed to ensure safety and maintenance of standards. To achieve this, the post of lifeguard will be replaced by that of beach warden. Beach wardens will then have dual responsibility for safety and control on the beach and in the water. All beach wardens will be trained lifeguards. 

Local Government authorities will be requested to accept responsibility for the management of beaches and seek to obtain assistance from the private sector and NGOs in their parish. Dialogue between the NRCA and Parish Councils will take place at an early date. 

The NRCA will apply sanctions where regulations are being breached. Existing legislation will be reviewed and new legislation introduced to ensure that the NRCA has the capacity to monitor and enforce regulations pertaining to beach and coastal zone conditions and access. 

The NRCA will appoint one or more beach inspectors who will monitor public beaches to ensure that the new policy is being implemented and that appropriate standards are being maintained in safety, control and management. 

A priority for the Authority will be to identify access roads which have become overgrown and seek to have them reopened. 

The NRCA will monitor the implementation of this policy and will issue progress reports on implementation and evaluation from time to time. 




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