Knutsford Court Hotel

June 30, 2004




Address by Hon. Dean Peart

Minister of Land & Environment

At the

Launch of the

National Capacity Self Assessment Project





Today we take another important step to preserve the environment.


As you know, Jamaica is part of the global quest for sustainable development.


The National Capacity Self Assessment Programme (NCSAP) that we are launching today will help developing countries, such as Jamaica, succeed in achieving the objectives of Agenda 21.


Let me remind you that Agenda 21 is a global plan of action that was developed following on the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development in Brazil.


The NCSAP will focus on Jamaica’s capacity to implement three key Multilateral Environment Agreements, namely:


  1. Convention on Biodiversity;
  2. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC); and,
  3. United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification.


Jamaica signed these Conventions at the 1992 UN Conference in Brazil and acceded to them in the mid to late 1990s.

The issues covered by these three Conventions are critical to our environmental programme. They also have direct implications for the country’s social and economic development and sustainability.


Jamaica has acted on its commitments under these three Conventions.


Convention on Biodiversity

One of the requirements of this Convention is that we prepare a National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan. We have done that. The document is available at the NRCA website.


United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

Jamaica prepared its National Communication on Climate Change in 2000 which is part of our commitment under this Convention. We will receive international support to update the document.


We are active at the regional and international levels to implement this Convention. At present, Jamaica is participating in two regional projects-the Caribbean Planning Adaptation to Climate Change and, a new 5-year project, “Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change in the Caribbean”.


United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification

Jamaica is implementing this Convention through a number of awareness raising programmes and activities to address land degradation and drought. The country submitted its first report on this Convention in 2000.






Benefits of NCSAP

The National Capacity Self Assessment Project provides a number of benefits. It will:

  1. Provide details on the challenges that the country faces to meet our obligations under the Multilateral Environmental Agreements;
  2. Highlight the linkages among the three Agreements and common areas for attention;
  3. Provide stakeholders with information on the existing situation; and,
  4. Foster dialogue and information exchange among stakeholders.


The findings and recommendation that will come out of this Project will help policymakers and technocrats to develop and implement strategies to advance our goals in sustainable development.


Finally, I wish to thank everyone who has worked to make this Project a reality. The Global Environment Facility must be commended.


I am grateful to all persons and groups that have remained committed to the implementation of the several international agreements. The Nature Conservancy (TNC) comes readily to mind.


I am giving the commitment of my Ministry to this Project and I look forward to seeing the findings and recommendations from it.


Let us continue to take these important steps as we work together for Jamaica and the world’s environment.


Thank you.