1.         Project Description - A detailed description of the project will be prepared. This will include all available information on the project. It must be noted that these projects are being proposed for residential development and will therefore include the number of proposed lots and the proposed number of persons to benefit. It will include the specific method of sewage disposal proposed, areas to be developed, areas to be developed, areas to be reserved for open space; and those areas which undoubtedly pose a threat or impact negatively on the development.

2.           Environment –A detailed description of the existing environment will be prepared.

PHYSICAL - This component will include a description the geological, topographical and hydrological features of the proposed site. An assessment of any existing streams or wells will be undertaken and water quality assessed.


SOILS - Soil classification hazard potential. Natural drainage rate, sub-soil permeability. Run-off rate and location of wells and springs if any.

3.         Biological - This component will include an evaluation of the flora and fauna of the proposed project area with major emphasis on endangered and or endemic species

FLORA – General type and dominant species     Animal  habitat value

            Historically important specimen

            Watershed value

            Endangered species

            Specimen of scientific or aesthetic interest

        FAUNA - General types and dominant species Habitat

Migratory species

Game species

Endangered species

Commercially valued species

4.         Socio-Economic -This section will speak to the social and economic  considerations of the proposed development. An assessment of the present and projected population will be conducted, land use assessment and studies, employment structure, income levels and income generation patterns, income distribution and physical and social amenities, transportation network and other physical infrastructure.

5.         Potential Negative Impacts -All the potential negative impacts that may arise from the development. This will include the major physical, social and environmental impacts that will result from the proposed development.

Impacts will include, Iong term, short term, direct and indirect impacts.

6.         Sewage -This component will address in its entirety, the design of the proposed method of sewage disposal. Sewage disposal has become a problem and needs to be dealt with properly. This chapter will deal with - Concept

- Design

- Capacity

- Analysis of future demand

- Management of the proposed sewage system

- Analysis of the effect of the treated effluent on the receiving environment

- Location of treatment solution and impact on proposed lots

7.         Disaster Vulnerability and Management-This component be informed by the chapter which speaks to the physical environment. Too often, development projects neglect the impact of natural disasters on the environment. Here, we will discuss the types of natural disasters These project sites are vulnerable to and how they can be mitigated against. Will speak specifically to:

-      Seismic Hazards 

-      Slope stability and landslide potential

-      Noise levels

-      Average rainfall

-      Temperature

-      Prevailing Winds (direction and intensity)

8.           Mitigation - Mitigation will be suggested for all potential impacts identified. Parties responsible for executing mitigation measures will be identified. In addition to quantifying environmental degradation and estimated cost of required mitigation will be established. Generation of impact and mitigation matrix.

  1. Monitoring - plans will include construction as well as post construction phases of  the proposed development.