The EIA Report
The NRCA requires the following pieces of information in its EIA Reports,
for the process of development approvals:
- Executive Summary
- Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework - description of
the policy and legal basis within which the project may be implemented.
This refers to regulations, standards and guidelines applicable
to the project.
- Description of the Environment - records conditions prior to
implementation of the proposed project. Acts as a benchmark against
which to measure environmental changes and assess impacts.
- Description of the Proposed Project - a detailed statement of
all-important activities involved in the proposed project. These
include, among others, the construction phase, start-up phase
from the commissioning to the operational phase of the facilities.
- Significant Environmental Impacts - A listing of all impacts
from which the significant impacts are selected for further study
based on magnitude significance extent and special sensitivity,
including minor, short-term, moderate, direct and indirect.
- Socio-Economic Analysis of Proposed Projects - The socio-economic
conditions should be identified as well as the positive and negative
impacts of the proposed project on the socio-economic environment.
The socio-economic analysis should include information on land-use,
the main economic activities, etc.
- Analysis of Alternatives - documentation of all alternatives
including the "no action" alternative in developing
the project, with each alternative evaluated in respect of its
potential environmental impact and capital and operating costs.
- Mitigation Action/Mitigation Management Plan - Documentation
and cost assessment for all potential adverse impacts and its
mitigation at each stage of the project. The full documentation
and assessment of mitigation is important in the selection of
the preferred alternative which would form the basis on which
the remainder of the EIA study is conducted.
- Environmental Management and Training - how the environment
will be managed during both the construction and operational phases
of the project. This should include an outline of any training
programme for employees of the facility and identify any institutional
needs for implementing the recommendations of the EIA.
- Environmental Monitoring Programme - there should be a monitoring
programme or plan detailing the reasons for and the costs associated
with the monitoring activities.
- Public/Community Involvement - The EIA study should involve
non-governmental organisations and citizens in the community in
which the proposed project will be implemented. This may take
the form of either direct involvement of the affected citizens
or inclusion local knowledge or expertise in the environment.