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Guidelines for Compliance These guidelines describe the policies that will be employed to gain compliance with the laws and regulations governing management and use of a protected area. Compliance actions include: education; provision of information and the taking of enforcement action
Guidelines for Delegation These guidelines describes the policies that will be used by the NRCA in designating as an agent, and delegating responsibilities for, the management of protected areas, national parks, marine parks to entities such as non-governmental organizations.
Guidelines for the Development of Private Lands
These guidelines describe the policies that will be practiced by the managers of Protected Areas in Jamaica, with the aim to influence activities on private lands that may affected the Protected Area.
Guidelines for Disaster
These guidelines describe the policies to be employed to address the preparedness of Protected Areas to respond to disasters.
Guidelines for Human
Resources Management
These guidelines describe the policies that will be used by the NRCA to address activities associated with creating a well trained, creative and dedicated work force that comprises employees, volunteers, partners and other interested persons.
Guidelines for
These guidelines set out the cooperation, partnerships, cost-sharing in planning, constructing and maintaining facilities needed to meet the needs of protected areas with large populations
Guidelines for Fire
These guidelines set out the policies to be used by the NRCA for activities necessary to protect life and property and to manage fire for the benefit of people and natural resources.
Guidelines for Integrated
Pest Management
These guidelines set out the polices to be used by the NRCA for surveillance, reporting, planning, and coordination with other organizations and implementation of programs to introduce natural predation, substitute pest resistant species and control of targeted species
Guidelines for Land
These guidelines set out the polices to be put in lace by the NRCA governing the optimum ownership pattern for environmentally and economically sustainable resource uses to meet the needs of the public; and, how best to assure that resource managers and the public have access to appropriate areas for management and use.
Financing Guidelines These guidelines set out the polices that will be used by the NRCA for ensuring that a revenue stream to support the management of activities of non-government entities on a self-sustainable basis, and to offset some, or all of the direct costs of providing services by the government.
Natural Disaster
These guidelines set out the policies that will be put in place by the NRCA for the management of natural disasters, recognizing that events will occur and before that time assuring that eventual damage will be kept to a minimum.
Guidelines for Public
Health and Safety
These guidelines set out the policies that will be put in place by the NRCA for providing an environment where visitors may experience a Protected Area without concern for their personal welfare.
Guidelines for Public
These guidelines set out policies that will be used by the NRCA for public involvement in the planning and management of protected areas. It recognizes that the public is a partner in the management of a protected area.
Guidelines for Research These guidelines describe the policies that will be put in place by the NRCA for research and scientific programs for protected areas recognizing that research is key to maintaining and improving the health of the ecosystems
Resource Use Guidelines These guidelines describe the policies that will be put in place by the NRCA for the protection of habitat for native plant and animal species, for perpetuating the island's bio-diversity through the management of protected areas and the development of environmentally sustainable uses of the natural resources within protected areas.
Guidelines for Signs These guidelines describe, the policies that will be put in place in protected areas in the management of regulatory and information signs and other distinctive markings.
Special Uses Guidelines These guidelines describe the policies that will be put in place in protected areas from time to time for the services of another agency or private party to achieve the goals of meeting the public's need.
Such services are likely to include: tour guides; rental of equipment; scuba diving; snorkeling; 4-wheel driving etc.
Guidelines for Tourism These guidelines describe the policies that will be put in place by the NRCA for the promotion of public use and tourism in protected areas. Tourism will involve all human use, and facilities necessary to support the use associated with the protected area.




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