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The National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) and the Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN) have released Jamaica’s Environment 2001- Environment Statistics and State of the Environment Report. The report includes a discussion and evaluation of current environmental issues and statistical data relevant to these issues.

The topics covered include human settlements, economy, solid and liquid waste, land and mineral resources, agriculture, forestry and watershed management, biological resources, protected areas, freshwater, coastal zone and marine resources, tourism, energy and transport, air, climate, natural disasters and environmental accidents and environmental policies and actions.

Agenda 21, which arose out of the Rio meeting, noted the need for countries to produce a structured overview of statistical information about the environment. This report fulfills that need and is an expanded version of the State of the Environment Reports that the Natural Resources Conservation Authority (now a part of NEPA), started in 1995.

Previous Reports Available Online





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