Beyond the Surface
By Tannisha Scarlett
“Did you know that we should all be friends of
the sea?” asked Jerome.
“And what does that mean?” asked Shaun.
“Well, Jerome replied, “I am just sitting here
looking at the water and I noticed that there are so many wonderful things
under the sea that we never try to understand and appreciate, instead, we
destroy them…”
The day was a very hot one, Jerome and Shaun
got very sweaty after a full day of chores so they decided to go for a swim
at Frenchman’s Cove in Portland, which is very near to their homes. Swimming
was one of Jerome’s favourite past-times and it is something he had been
doing ever since he was six years old.
“Why is it that every time we are out here you
start talking to yourself?” asked Shaun, “I am really worried about you.
I think you are going mad.”
“No I’m not going mad;” replied Jerome. “It’s
just that I have been learning so much about the environment, especially
the coastal areas and how we should take care of it but sometimes we who
should be the protectors are not doing our jobs, instead, we are selfish
and don’t really care about anything or anyone else.
“So tell me, what are coastal areas and what
do you mean by ‘we are selfish’?” asked Shaun.
“Coastal areas are places that relate to water
or the sea, to be specific, as for the answer to the second question, you
would have to come and dive with me so we can both experience all the things
beyond the surface.”

Shaun was very scared at first because it was
the very first time that he was underwater for such a long time and he realized
that his breathing had changed. After a while he got used to it and started
to enjoy the wonderful but different
world without gravity, a very colorful
and different world from the one in which he lived. He thought it was great.
The sounds were different, in a way that he could not explain.
being under water for a while, Shaun started to mentally put all the things
he saw into groups. First he grouped things that moved… these were all
the fishes, crabs and reptiles. Some examples of the fishes were, parrot,
surgeon, snapper, jellyfish, jack fish, damselfish, wrasse and turtles.
The second category was made up of stationary things; these were corals,
algae and sea grass.
all the fun under-water, the guys returned to the surface and Jerome began
to explain the importance of all they had seen.
in the underwater environment has a role to play in the ecosystem,” he
echo what?” asked Shaun.
laughed and said. “The ecosystem… and I will tell you what that is before
you ask”.
“An ecosystem is an environment
where plants and animals live together and benefit from each others way
of life. All these plants and animals make up our biodiversity.
is biodiversity”? asked Shaun
explained that biodiversity is the short term for biological
diversity, which means all form of life on earth or all of the plants
and animals that we have.
He continued, “Algae grow and provide shelter and food for fish.
Fishes on the other hand help to provide nutrients for the growth of algae.
The corals provide sand for the beaches and they are also the main builders
of coral reefs, which protect our beaches from high-energy waves”.
then started to talk about the turtles.
said, “Turtles are some of the oldest animals on earth. They spend most
of their lives in the sea. However, they do come ashore to lay their eggs
and also feed among the coral reefs and sea grass beds.
do, I didn’t know that”, replied Shaun, “go on”.
feeding in this area, they keep the wetland ecosystems healthy as they
eat sick fishes that would otherwise pass on diseases to healthy fishes
and cause a decline in the fish stock. Also,
because of their beauty and relatively gentle nature they can be approached
quite easily when diving and are attractive to watch”.
“Wow, that’s true, I really enjoy watching them”. Shaun added.
also heard we get our foreign exchange from the use of the coastal areas
of Jamaica. Is that so?”
“Yes it is. But is there anything else you would like to ask me?”
“Believe me Jerome, I have learnt so much today. I can’t begin to
explain, but one thing is for sure, I am going to pass the information
on to someone else because things like this you just cannot keep to yourself.
By the way, I did not know that you were this bright, but thanks anyway!”
“Go away Shaun,” Jerome said jokingly, “but you are welcome,”
With that they went their separate ways.