Compilation of Technical Reports

March 1, 2001 - August 4, 2003

# Description Date MSWord/Other Adobe Acrobat
1. Ridge to Reef Watershed Project Life of Project Strategy and First Annual Work Plan2001-03-01DOC PDF
2. R2RW Performance Monitoring Plan2001-03-01DOC PDF
3. Rapid Rural Appraisal of the Great River Watershed 2001-03-02 DOC PDF
4. First Semi-Annual Report 2001-04-30 DOC PDF
5. Consultant Report - Governance and Watershed Management 2001-04-30 DOC PDF
6. Preliminary Framework for a Public Awareness Strategy in the Selected Watershed 2001-06-01 DOC PDF
7. Great River Watershed Stakeholder Workshop Report 2001-06-26 DOC PDF
8. Background Considerations for the Development of a Gender Strategy in the Great River and Rio Grande Watershed of Jamaica 2001-08-01 DOC PDF
9. Second Annual Work Plan 2001-10-12 DOC PDF
10. Second Semi Annual Report (April 2001 - September 2001)2001-10-31DOC PDF
11. Feasibility Study for R2RW Plant Nursery Mont Pellier, St. James2001-11-01DOC PDF
12. Staffing Function Assessment of the Ridge to Reef Watershed Project2001-11-09DOC PDF
13. Policy and Legislative Framework for Watershed Management in Jamaica - A Review of Existing Laws and Regulations2001-11-27DOC PDF
14. Rio Grande Watershed Stakeholder Workshop Report2002-02-19DOC PDF
15. Writing Effective Press Releases for the Media Workshop Report2002-03-15DOC PDF
16. Rapid Rural Appraisal of the Rio Grande Watershed2002-03-18DOC PDF
17. Third Semi Annual Report (October 2001 - March 2002)2002-04-30DOC PDF
18. Enhancing Awareness for Sustainable Watershed Management - Report of the "Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices" Survey2002-07-24 DOC PDF
19. R2RW Third Annual Work Plan2002-10-11DOC PDF
20. Annual Report (October 2001 to September 2002) and Fourth Semi Annual Report (April 2002 to September 2002)2002-10-31DOC PDF
21. A Review of Organizational, Human and other Resources Supporting Compliance and Enforcement in the Great River Watershed2002-11-31DOC PDF
22. Development of Incentives for Private Sector Investment in Improved Watershed Management in Jamaica2003-02-01DOC PDF
23. PROCEDURES MANUAL: Establishing and Operating a Local Watershed Management Committee2003-02-01DOC PDF
24. Review of Local Watershed Management Committees in Jamaica2003-02-01DOC PDF
25. Communication 2003 - Compliance and Enforcement Campaign Poster's Pre-test2003-02-20DOC PDF
26. Fifth Semi Annual Report (October 2002 to March 2003)2003-04-30DOC PDF
27. Workshop Report - Local Watershed Management and Governance Mechanisms: "Towards Greater Citizen's Participation in Sustainable Watershed management" 2003-06-01DOC PDF
28. Preliminary Assessment of Beach Erosion at St. Margaret's Bay Portland, Jamaica - Final Report2003-06-20DOC PDF
29. The Great River Watershed Youth and Environment Conference 20032003-08-01DOC PDF
30. Beach Erosion at St. Margaret's Bay Portland, Jamaica - Report to the Citizens2003-08-04DOC PDF
A project of the Government of Jamaica's National Environment and Planning Agency and the United States Government through its Agency for International Development implemented by Associates in Rural Development, Inc. (ARD)
© copyright 2000 - 2004 Ridge to Reef Watershed Project