State of the Environment in Jamaica 1997

Energy Resources

  What is the general situation with these ISSUES?

  • While Jamaica is poor with respect to fossil fuels energy sources (oil, natural gas, coal), it is potentially rich in sunlight, and could meet greater portions of its energy demands using fuelwood plantations, hydropower, wind-power, photo-voltaics, use of agricultural and other wastes, greater efficiency and conservation, The Government is encouraging small hydro projects as the main focus of alternative energy development.
  • Solar waters heaters, efficient light bulbs and other products, which save both money and energy in the long run, have considerably higher initial costs. To encouraging their wider use, they need to be the subject of an incentive scheme.
  • In the last decade the demand for charcoal for domestic and commercial (Jerk food) use has increased. Indiscriminate cutting of trees and bush for the production of charcoal, has an obvious negative impact on the forest resources and biodiversity of the country (see page 22).

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