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NEPA Forms


Environmental Permits & Licence | Beach Control Act | Transboundary Movement

Applications for Environmental Permits and Licences
Environmental Permit Application Form (167 KB PDF)
Applications under the Beach Control Act
Beach Licence Application Form A (73 KB MS Word)
Beach Licence Application Notice Form B (12 KB PDF)
Beach Licence Processing Requirements (17 KB PDF)
Applications for TransBoundary Movement of Waste
Certificate of TransBoundary Movement of Waste (34.1 KB PDF)
Notification of Movement of Waste (25.1 KB PDF)
Applications for Export Permit (form 4) (65.5 KB PDF)
Application for Transit Permit (41 KB)

All documents are stored in Adobe® Acrobat PDF format. You will need the Acrobat Reader (version 4.0 or later), to view and print.

  © National Environment & Planning Agency (NEPA)