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NEPA Guidelines for Development


Guidelines for Conducting Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)~(319 KB PDF)
Guidelines for Conducting Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)~(835 KB MS Word)
Guidelines for Project Proponents ~ ( PDF)
Guidelines for Project Proponents ~ (MS Word)
Guidelines for Public Presentations ~(18 KB PDF)
Guidelines for Public Presentations ~(47 KB MS Word)
Guidelines for the Establishment of River Based Attractions ~(21 KB PDF)
Guidelines for the Establishment of River Based Attractions ~(32 KB MS Word)
Sewage and Trade Effluent Standards
Sewage Effluent Standards ~(14 KB PDF)
Sewage Effluent Standards ~(30 KB MS Word)
Trade Effluent Standards ~(18 KB PDF)
Trade Effluent Standards ~(41 KB MS Word)
Petroleum Storage Facility
Draft Guidelines for Project Proponents - Petroleum Storage Facility ~(13 KB PDF)
Draft Guidelines for Project Proponents - Petroleum Storage Facility (30 KB MS Word)
Planning Criteria for Location of Petrol Filling Stations ~(15 KB PDF)
Planning Criteria for Location of Petrol Filling Stations ~(37 KB MS Word)
Draft Guidelines for a Closure Plan ~(84 KB PDF)
Draft Guidelines for a Closure Plan ~(41 KB MS Word)

Interim Guidelines - Structural Integrity Testing ~(15 KB PDF)

Interim Guidelines - Structural Integrity Testing ~(36 KB PDF)

All documents are stored in Adobe® Acrobat PDF format, unless otherwise specified. You will need the Acrobat Reader (version 4.0 or later), to view and print.

 ©2008 National Environment & Planning Agency (NEPA)