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ENACT Web Site



A Project funded by the Environmental Foundation of Jamaica (EFJ) and Jamaica/Canada Green Fund



In 2001, the Caribbean Natural Resource Institute (CANARI), with funding from the Environmental Foundation of Jamaica (EFJ), reviewed the existing framework for local protected areas and recommended the development of a comprehensive system plan for managing these areas. Consequently, the Preparation of a Protected Areas System Plan Project was designed. The project is being administered by the National Environmental Societies Trust (NEST), through funding from the Environmental Foundation of Jamaica and the Canada/Jamaica-Green Fund. The lead government agency for the project is the National Environment & Protection Planning Agency (NEPA) through its Protected Areas Branch.


The project will further the process started with the development of “A Plan for a System of Protected Areas in Jamaica” (1992) and the “Policy for Jamaica’s System of Protected Areas” (1997). The twelve-month (July 2003-June 2004) project will:

  1. Develop a plan for Jamaica ’s system of protected areas including those which are the responsibility of NEPA, Forestry Dept., Fisheries Division and the Jamaica National Heritage Trust by:
    • Reviewing and finalising protected area categories and criteria and;
    • Providing guidelines and plans relating to a framework for protected areas, (including management, financial sustainability, legal and institutional arrangements, monitoring, evaluation and enforcement).
  2. Solicit stakeholder input in the design of a system plan and develop strategies for building public awareness of protected areas and related issues, as well as ongoing consultations once the plan has been developed;


  • Project preparation
  • Public awareness campaign
  • Public consultations
  • Definition and categorisation of protected areas
  • Review and provision of recommendations regarding legal and enforcement issues and definition of institutional arrangements for individual protected areas.
  • Preparation of a financial sustainability plan
  • Development of methods and procedures for monitoring and evaluation
  • Development of instruments to guide the monitoring and co-ordination of protected areas
  • Consolidation of reports and development of the overall system plan.


  • Additional site visits are planned as follows:
    • February 19, 2004 – Portland Bight Protected Area including and Hellshire Hills which is also a Forest Reserve Protected Areas
    • February 20, 2004 – Montego Bay Marine Park
  • A shortlist of applicants for the short-term positions recently advertised will be developed by Friday, February 20, 2004. Interviews will follow.
  • February 24, 2004 is the date tentatively scheduled for the next Working Group Meeting.
  • Invitations will be issued to identified agencies to nominate representatives for the Technical, Financial and Legal Working Groups.
  • Promotional items for the project are currently being designed, with input being solicited from agencies involved in the management of local protected areas.


  • August 2003 - A Steering Committee was established and include s representation from EFJ, Jamaica/Canada Green Fund, Planning Institute of Jamaica, Fisheries Division, Jamaica Constabulary Force, Forestry Department, Jamaica National Heritage Trust, Jamaica -Protected Areas Network AN, Ministry of Land and Environment, Urban Development Corporation, NEPA and NEST.
  • Terms of references were developed for the consultants and Working Groups expected to facilitate/undertake various project activities
  • October 27, 2003 – Mr. Christopher Whyne was contracted as Project Co-ordinator.
  • December 2003 – Construction was completed on an office to house the Project Secretariat. The building is located on the grounds of the Forestry Department.
  • January 26, 2004 - Ms. Halima Litchmore was cont racted as Project Assistant. She, along with the Project Co-ordinator, comprise the Project Secretariat.
  • January 2004 - Mr. Lincoln Robinson was contracted as a consultant to design and implement the public awareness and consultations component of the project. He brings to the job a wealth of experience s in designing and implementing public awareness campaigns and consultations around various topics.
  • January 2004 - A Working Group was formed to provide guidance and oversight to the consultant under the public awareness and consultations component of the project.
  • The Working Group comprises representatives of the Forestry Department, National Environmental Education Committee, Jamaica National Heritage Trust, Jamaica Conservation and Development Trust, Institute of Jamaica, Fisheries Division, Ministry of Local Government, NEPA and NEST.
  • January 27, 2004 - A Working Group meeting was convened to introduce the consultant and share his draft workplan, which was subsequently approved.
  • February 03, 2004 - A special Steering Committee Meeting was convened. The Committee provided valuable input in assisting the consultant to conduct a stakeholder analysis.
  • Sunday, February 8, 2004 - An ad was placed in the Gleaner newspaper soliciting applications for the short-term positions of Management, Financial Sustainability and Legal Consultants. The deadline for applications is Wednesday, February 18, 2004.
  • In preparing for the community consultations and public awareness campaign, several representatives of the Working Group have accompanied the consultant on site visits to selected protected areas. The visits included: February 12, 2004 – Hollywell in the Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park and Forest Reserve in Holleywell and the Palisadoes /Port Royal Protected Area and; February 13, 2004 – Mason River nature reserve and protected area in Clarendon


The Protected Areas System Plan Project was approved by the Environmental Foundation in July 2003. Unfortunately, due to delays in establishing the Steering Committee and subsequently, in establishing the Office and Secretariat, the project is now several months behind schedule. The following is an update on the activities convened to date.

Note: For comments/feedback or general information, please contact:

The Project Co-ordinator, PASP Project
Tel: (876) 969-6502; E-mail:




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