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Jamaica Coastal Water Quality Improvement Project (CWIP) 1998-2003



Jamaica's flourishing tourism industry - and hence health of the country's economy - are dependent on the quality of Jamaica's coastal resources, particularly water. Discharges from industry, commercial establishments, hotels and households have posed a growing threat to water quality.


The Jamaica Coastal Water Quality Improvement Project (CWIP) is a USAID-funded activity designed to protect and improve the environmental quality of the country's coastal resources. The Project relies on a community-based program to tackle the problem. In implementing the project, ARD is working in partnership with national agencies, national and local NGOs, community groups, and the private sector. Activities focus in five areas.

  • Support community-based initiatives to address environmental concerns;
  • Improve the operation and maintenance of municipal wastewater management systems;
  • Improve environmental practices of industries and commercial establishments;
  • Establish NGO-government partnerships to monitor coastal water quality; and
  • Support improved coordination of coastal zone management activities.

CWIP has supported community-based environmental initiatives in Negril and Ocho Rios and disbursed $1.25 million in grants to NGOs and community groups. The project conceptualized and facilitated the formation of a public participation model for the management of municipal wastewater facilities. At the same time, coastal communities established solid waste recycling programs using an Environmental Management System (EMS) model. A sustainable community-based water quality-monitoring program has been created. CWIP has also helped develop coastal zone management policies to meet the requirements of international regulatory organizations and the government of Jamaica.