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National Capacity Self-Assessment Project (NCSA)

Rio Conventions Component

Jamaica has ratified the UN Conventions on Climate Change, Combating Desertification, and on Biological Diversity. However, the country has yet to conduct a comprehensive examination of its capacity to execute actions under the conventions.

The purpose of the National Capacity Self-Assessment Project (NCSA) is to provide Jamaica the opportunity to conduct a thorough self-assessment and analysis of national capacity needs, priorities and constraints with respect to its efforts at meeting global environmental management objectives.

The project is expected to produce the following outputs:

  • Build national capacity to mainstream issues related to the three Conventions into general planning and strategy formulation;
  • Find ways to coordinate and harmonize overlapping activities among the three Conventions and to help to ensure effective national measures to protect the global environment;
  • Support the transition from this enabling activity to the implementation of identified follow up measures addressing loss in biodiversity, losses in soil fertility and the effects of climate change;
  • Enhance general national awareness and knowledge about the three Conventions and their inter-relationship; and
  • Strengthen dialogue, information exchange and cooperation among all relevant stakeholders including governmental, non-governmental, academic and private sectors;
    The National Environment and Planning Agency, an arm of the Ministry of Land and the Environment, is executing the project in consultation with the Project Steering Committee (PSC) and UNDP. UNDP will serve as the GEF Implementing Agency.

Sustainable Development Component

The NCSA Project Sustainable Development Component will examine the issue of sustainable development and develop a national strategy for sustainable development. The Project therefore seeks to begin a coordinated examination for the way forward in sustainable development for the country. That is, the integration of the environmental, economic and social facets of the decision-making process and finding ways for more in-depth collaboration and cooperation between ministries and agencies of the government.

The NCSA Sustainable Development Component is expected to produce the following outputs:

  • Find ways to coordinate and harmonize sustainable development activities;
  • Prepare a framework for the National Strategies for Sustainable Development(NSDS);
  • Prepare a national action plan focused on executing the framework with specific objectives to be achieved and courses of action/concrete projects; and
  • Identify follow-up projects.

Project Team & Committee Members
Address by Hon.Dean Peart, Minister of Land and Environment at the Launch of Project
Address by Mrs. Patricia Sinclair McCalla CEO, NEPA at the Launch of Project
Address by Mrs. Gillian Lindsay-Nanton, UNDP Resident Representative, at the Launch of the Project




National Capacity Self-Assessment for Global Environment Management Document
Inception Report - National Capacity Self-Assessment (NCSA) Project
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Climate Thematic Report
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Stocktaking Report
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Biodiversity Thematic Report
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Land Degradation Thematic Report
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NSCA National Action Plan
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Final Policy and Legal Report
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NSCA Institutional Cross Cutting Report
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NSCA Report
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Final Public Awareness, Education & Training Report
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For further information:
National Capacity Self-Assessment Project (NCSA)
Project Management Unit (PMU)
5 Oxford Park Avenue Kingston 5
Telephone: 906-3890
Fax: 754-3913




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