Agency Profile


The National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) was established in April 2001 as an Executive Agency under the Executive Agencies Act. NEPA was founded to carry out the technical (functional) and administrative mandate of three statutory bodies "the Natural Resources & Conservation, Authority (NRCA), the Town & Country Planning Authority (TCPA), and the Land Development & Utilisation Commission (LDUC)".

NEPA's operations are financed by recurrent budget allocations from the Government of Jamaica (GoJ) Consolidated Fund through the Ministry of Finance; and Appropriation-in-Aid through (50% of) Natural Resources Conservation Authority (NRCA) fees derived from permits and licences. Projects are financed by budget allocations from the GoJ Consolidated Fund Capital "A" and "B" and from technical assistance grants and project financing from NRCA funds, and various international donor organisations.

Our Mission

To promote sustainable development by ensuring protection of the environment and orderly development in Jamaica through highly motivated staff performing at the highest standard.

Our Vision

Jamaica's natural resources are being used in a sustainable way and that there is broad understanding of environment, planning and development issues, with extensive participation amongst citizens and a high level of compliance to relevant legislation.

Our Quality Policy

The National Environment & Planning Agency is committed to providing service excellence to customers and stakeholders in order to promote sustainable development, protection of the environment and orderly development. This will be accomplished through professional staff who perform at a high standard, and a management system that meets relevant statutory and regulatory requirements, and international standards and which is continuously improved.

To achieve this NEPA will:

  • Align activities with international agreements and national objectives
  • Meet relevant statutory and regulatory requirements and international standards
  • Engage with customers and interested parties to understand their challenges and requirements so as to improve products and services and enhance customer satisfaction
  • Maintain competent staff who are motivated to perform at a high standard
  • Determine and address risks and opportunities that can impact or improve the conformity of products and services and the ability to enhance customer satisfaction
  • Establish, maintain and continuously improve its management system for delivery of products and services

Our Core Values

Integrity: We earn our reputation by adhering to the highest ethical standards, conduct and moral principles and at all times act in ways to preserve our integrity.

Accountability: We hold ourselves accountable to the public, accept responsibility for the decisions and actions that we take and will submit ourselves to the scrutiny that attends our decisions and actions.

Justice & Fair-play: In valuing the diversity in human nature and circumstances, we apply the principles of justice and fair-play in all our dealings within and outside the Agency to ensure that equity always prevails.

Customer Service: We acknowledge our role as a provider of services and will always strive to satisfy and exceed our customers' expectations.

Teamwork: We foster collaboration and teamwork among staff while maintaining individual accountability.

Health & Safety: We strive to create and maintain a safe and healthy work environment.

Empowerment: We aim to create a learning organization where all our employees are empowered to achieve excellence, and high levels of performance are recognized and rewarded.

Respect: We treat our team members, clients and partners with mutual respect and sensitivity, recognizing the importance of diversity.

Legislative Mandate

NEPA operates under the following Acts:

  • Executive Agencies Act;
  • The Natural Resources Conservation Authority Act;
  • The Town and Country Planning Act;
  • The Land Development and Utilization Act;
  • The Beach Control Act;
  • The Watersheds Protection Act; and
  • The Wild Life Protection Act
  • Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation and Regulation of Trade) Act