
Public Advisory: Sargassum Influx On Jamaican Coastline

Posted: June 15, 2019

NEPA Celebrates National Environmental Awareness Week (NEAW) 2019

Posted: May 31, 2019

Government Gives Special Support for MSME Through NEPA & Partners.

Posted: October 22, 2018

Statement On The Death Of Wilford Edmondson

Posted: August 31, 2018

Have You Seen a Tagged Sea Turtle?

Posted: February 5, 2018

State of the Environment Report 2013

Posted: June 27, 2017

Beaches of Jamaica: Access and Rights

Posted: January 16, 2017

Photo Highlights of NEPA's booth at Denbigh 2014

NEPA responds to call for suspension of bird hunting season

30 July 2014

The National Environment and Planning Agency's (NEPA) takes this opportunity to respond to a letter written by Authnel S. Reid, published on 24 July 2014. It is a fact that NEPA is responsible for the administering of the annual game bird hunting season under the Wild Life Protection Act (1945). read more

NEPA Responds to Negril Stakeholders

2 May 2014

The National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) has taken note of a full page advertisement published in the Jamaica Gleaner newspaper on Wednesday 30 April 2014; a press conference convened by selected stakeholders of the Negril community on the same date; and an article in the newspaper titled ‘Negril Hoteliers Against Breakwater Plan,’ published Thursday, 1 May 2014. read more

Clearing the air on the Portland Development Order

2 May 2014

In a Sunday Gleaner article dated Sunday, April 20, 2014 and titled, 'Rejected- Portland stakeholders say no to provisional plan to govern development of the parish', some issues were raised of which the Authority would like to address. read more

Highlights from closing out ceremony of IAS Project

11 April 2014

Media Tour of Black River Lower Morass

9 April 2014

NEPA Presents Opportunities at West Kingston's Career Fair

Caribbean Scientists Committed to Combating Marine Invasive Alien Species

Scientists and other technical officers from a number of Caribbean territories have given their commitment to use a new risk assessment tool to measure the potential of marine species (those inhabiting the sea), becoming invasives in their waters. read more

A Regional Approach Fighting the Invasive Lionfish

Since its first sighting in the Caribbean in the 1990s, regional leaders have developed a number of programs to combat the impact of the beautiful but dreaded Invasive Lionfish, scientifically known as Pterois volitans and Pterois miles. read more

The Ranford Thomas Effect - Winning Climate Change support from Portland Cottage one Resident at a time

The Ranford Thomas Effect – Winning Climate Change support from Portland Cottage one Resident at a Time By – NEPA Public Education and Corporate Communication Branch It is no secret, the success of a project by any organisation - governmental or otherwise - is highly dependent on the support it receives from the community in which it is implemented. read more

Jamaica reducing Ozone Depleting Substances through HCFC Phase Out

Alternative Livelihood to Withstand Climate Change

It goes without saying, money talks, but what are your options when the resources used to earn a living is being threatened by changes in nature? The concern is not far-fetched for a number of coastal residents whose dependence on the sea’s assets is being severely stifled due to the ocean’s rapidly depleting resources. read more

Have you Heard? The Phase Out of HFCs is Near

The importation of hydro-chlorofluorocarbons (HCFCS), a refrigerant used in some air-conditioning units, will be reduced starting January 1, 2013. Alternatives to HCFCS, for example, hydrocarbons are more energy efficient. read more

Bluefields Bay Fisherman's Friendly Society Strengthening Climate Change Resilience for Years to Come

Faces beamed with anticipation and excitement recently, as plans moved one step closer to bringing a most welcomed facelift and structural improvement to the home of the Bluefields Bay Fishermen’s Friendly Society (BBFFS) in Westmoreland. read more